使用 sqlsrv_connect() 时连接到 SQL 数据源时出错

Error connecting to an SQL data source when using sqlsrv_connect()

我对使用 PHP 连接到 SQL 数据库还很陌生,当我尝试通过 sqlsrv_connect():

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

我已按照说明 found here 放置了此扩展程序; php_sqlsrv_53_nts.dll,进入php.ini文件。 Phpinfo() 显示 sqlsrv 在 Web 服务器上已启用,但我在尝试连接到数据源时仍然收到相同的错误。


$db_server = 'tcp:';
$db_credentials = array('UID' => 'Domain\Username',      //SQL Server UID
                       'PWD' => 'Password',                 //SQL PW
                       'Database' => 'ThisDatabase',        //Name of the database
                       'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8',
                       'ConnectionPooling' => 'False',  
                       'LoginTimeout' => 60);               //Number of Seconds before fail

$db_connect = sqlsrv_connect($db_server, $db_credentials);

//Check the connection to the SQL Database to see if it's valid or else display errors.
if ($db_connect === false) {
 die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
} else {
 echo "Success: Connected to database.";


根据@Terminus 的建议,在 Web 服务器上安装 SQL Server 驱动程序或 SQL Native Client 驱动程序可以解决问题。