如何在 VBA 的 for 循环中添加 if 语句?

How to add an if statement inside a for loop in VBA?

For a = 1 to 10
    if a = dumm then next a 'this statement should avoid running the subsequent codes if the if statement is true (similar to continue in c++
    end if
    'statements that need to run when the if statement is not true

next a 

为什么这段代码不起作用??它抛出 编译错误:下一个没有 for

Why does this code not work?? It throws compile error: Next without for

因为你有一个 next 而没有相应的 ForFor/NextFor Each/Next 必须配对,没有 Next 就不能打开 For 循环,没有 `For.[ 就不能使用 Next。 =30=]


if a = dumm then a = a + 1

这会增加循环内的 a 值。我不清楚为什么你认为这不适用,因为无论你是递增 a and then 运行 代码,还是跳到下一个 a(在功能上等同于通过 +1 增加它),结果应该是相同的

或者,您可以添加标签和 GoTo 语句:

For a = 1 to 10
    if a = dumm then 
        GoTo MyLabel 
    end if
    'statements that need to run when the if statement is not true

next a 


For a = 1 to 10
    if not a = dumm Then
        'statements that need to run when the if statement is not true
    end if


For a = 1 to 10
    if a = dumm Then Exit For
    'statements that need to run when the if statement is not true


或使用具有适当转义条件的 Do/While 循环:

a = 1
    'statements go here...    
    a = a + 1
Loop While a <= 10 and Not a = dumm