404 找不到页面 codeigniter url

404 Page Not Found codeigniter url

我是使用 codeigniter 的初学者。我正在使用以下 url“http://localhost/ci/index.php/shopcart”来访问控制器,但出现错误 404 页面未找到



    class Cart extends CI_Controller { // Our Cart class extends the Controller class

        function Cart()
            parent::CI_Controller(); // We define the the Controller class is the parent. 



        function index()
            $this->load->model('cart_model'); // Load our cart model for our entire class 
            $data['products'] = $this->cart_model->retrieve_products(); // Retrieve an array with all products
            $data['content'] = 'cart/products'; // Select our view file that will display our products
            $this->load->view('index', $data); // Display the page with the above defined content



class Cart_model extends Model { // Our Cart_model class extends the Model class
// Function to retrieve an array with all product information
    function retrieve_products(){
        $query = $this->db->get('products'); // Select the table products
        return $query->result_array(); // Return the results in a array.



$route['default_controller'] = "shopcart";


$autoload['libraries'] = array('cart' , 'database');
$autoload['helper'] = array('form');

codeigniter 在 base_url~/index.php/class_nm/function/segment3 上运行。现在在你的情况下更改文件名 Cart.php.


并确保你的函数 indexpublic,我想它会解决你的问题:)

您收到 404 页面未找到错误,因为控制器 "shopcart" 未定义。相反,您定义了一个控制器 "cart"。所以你应该试试localhost/ci/index.php/cart

也尝试添加 url 助手。这对我行得通!