将 "fA()" 和 "fB()" 重构为 "fAB(){return report;}" 的可维护性问题

Maintainability issue of refactoring "fA()" and "fB()" to "fAB(){return report;}"




示例 1


class B{
    float getWidth(C c){ 
        float width= ... (very cheap function about "c") ;
        return width;
    float getHeight(C c){
        float height= ... (very cheap function about "c") ;
        return height;

代码 V2

class ReportSize { float width; float height; }
class B{
    ReportSize getSize(C c){   //<-- grouped
        float width = ... ;
        float height= ... ;
        return ReportSize(width ,height);

示例 2


class D{
    Vector3 calculateNarrow(){ ... }
    Vector3 calculateBoard(){ ... }

代码 V2

class ReportVector3Pair{
    Vector3 resultNarrow;
    Vector3 resultBoard;
    Vector3 get(NARROW_OR_BOARD paramEnum){
        //return "resultNarrow" or "resultBoard"
class D{
    ReportVector3Pair calculate(){ ... }  //<-- grouped


重构花费了一些开发时间。必须手动重构代码的所有位置(最多 100 个调用方)以匹配新签名。


How to minimize the chance of the need to refactor it later?

创建 non-member 可以 return 更高级别对象而不是更改现有 类.



class ReportSize { float width; float height; }
ReportSize getReportSize(B const& b, C c)
   return {b.getWidth(c), b.getHeight(c)}

同样,不要创建 D 的 V2,而是保留现有 D 并使用:

Vector3 calculate(D const& d, NARROW_OR_BOARD paramEnum) {
   //return "resultNarrow" or "resultBoard"

How to minimize cost of the refactoring if it may happen in future?

使用 non-member 函数来扩展功能而不是修改现有的 类。

根据 Scott Meyers 的说法,using non-member functions improves encapsulation.

使用non-member函数添加新功能也遵循The Open/Closed Principle