Sonar 5.6:无法更新问题
Sonar 5.6 : cannot update issue
我尝试更新 UI (assign/set severity/open) 上的一个问题。但没有附加。
当我看到网络交换时,我有一个 404:
{"errors":[{"msg":"Issue with key '76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0' does not exist"}]}
但我在我的数据库中发现了我的问题 (mysql):
mysql> select kee from issues where kee='76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0';
| kee |
| 76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
我们试图找到我的声纳执行的查询。我们只是在 sonar 的 head 版本(IssueFinder 和 IBatis config)上找到它并且它可以工作:
i.kee as kee,
i.rule_id as ruleId,
i.severity as severity,
i.manual_severity as manualSeverity,
i.message as message,
i.line as line,
i.locations as locations, as gap,
i.effort as effort,
i.status as status,
i.resolution as resolution,
i.checksum as checksum,
i.assignee as assignee,
i.author_login as authorLogin,
i.tags as tagsString,
i.issue_attributes as issueAttributes,
i.issue_creation_date as issueCreationTime,
i.issue_update_date as issueUpdateTime,
i.issue_close_date as issueCloseTime,
i.created_at as createdAt,
i.updated_at as updatedAt,
r.plugin_rule_key as ruleKey,
r.plugin_name as ruleRepo,
r.language as language,
p.kee as componentKey,
i.component_uuid as componentUuid,
p.module_uuid as moduleUuid,
p.module_uuid_path as moduleUuidPath,
p.path as filePath,
root.kee as projectKey,
i.project_uuid as projectUuid,
i.issue_type as type
from issues i
inner join rules r on
inner join projects p on p.uuid=i.component_uuid
inner join projects root on root.uuid=i.project_uuid
where i.kee='76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0';
它是 return 一行。
ES 文件夹可能已损坏。以下是清理它的步骤:
- 停止 SonarQube 服务器
- 重启服务器
我尝试更新 UI (assign/set severity/open) 上的一个问题。但没有附加。 当我看到网络交换时,我有一个 404: {"errors":[{"msg":"Issue with key '76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0' does not exist"}]}
但我在我的数据库中发现了我的问题 (mysql):
mysql> select kee from issues where kee='76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0';
| kee |
| 76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
我们试图找到我的声纳执行的查询。我们只是在 sonar 的 head 版本(IssueFinder 和 IBatis config)上找到它并且它可以工作:
i.kee as kee,
i.rule_id as ruleId,
i.severity as severity,
i.manual_severity as manualSeverity,
i.message as message,
i.line as line,
i.locations as locations, as gap,
i.effort as effort,
i.status as status,
i.resolution as resolution,
i.checksum as checksum,
i.assignee as assignee,
i.author_login as authorLogin,
i.tags as tagsString,
i.issue_attributes as issueAttributes,
i.issue_creation_date as issueCreationTime,
i.issue_update_date as issueUpdateTime,
i.issue_close_date as issueCloseTime,
i.created_at as createdAt,
i.updated_at as updatedAt,
r.plugin_rule_key as ruleKey,
r.plugin_name as ruleRepo,
r.language as language,
p.kee as componentKey,
i.component_uuid as componentUuid,
p.module_uuid as moduleUuid,
p.module_uuid_path as moduleUuidPath,
p.path as filePath,
root.kee as projectKey,
i.project_uuid as projectUuid,
i.issue_type as type
from issues i
inner join rules r on
inner join projects p on p.uuid=i.component_uuid
inner join projects root on root.uuid=i.project_uuid
where i.kee='76b53a17-fa8f-4d04-b999-1fd5e401fee0';
它是 return 一行。 我能做什么?这是一个错误吗?
ES 文件夹可能已损坏。以下是清理它的步骤:
- 停止 SonarQube 服务器
- 重启服务器