NHibernate - 映射运行时定义类型的 属性

NHibernate - map a property of a runtime-defined type



class HouseGeometryModel
   public virtual int Id { get; set; }
   public virtual string Name { get; set; }
   //More fields...

   public virtual HouseAttributes Attributes { get; set; }

class DungeonGeometryModel
   public virtual int Id { get; set; }
   public virtual string Name { get; set; }
   //More fields, all identical to HouseGeometryModel...

   public virtual DungeonAttributes Attributes { get; set; }

class FortressGeometryModel
   public virtual int Id { get; set; }
   public virtual string Name { get; set; }
   //More fields, all identical to HouseGeometryModel...

   public virtual FortressAttributes Attributes { get; set; }

//More models...

所以,这里的所有模型基本上只有 Attributes 属性 不同,所以我认为可能有一种方法可以将所有内容统一为一个(通用的?)class .


  1. 制作一个通用的 class GeometryModel<TAttributes> 看起来像:

    class GeometryModel<TAttributes>
        public virtual int Id { get; set; }
        public virtual string Name { get; set; }
        //More fields...
        public virtual TAttributes Attributes { get; set; }

    问题是我没有指定流畅的映射。映射也应该以这种方式变得通用(以实现 ClassMap<GeometryModel<TAttributes>>),因此不可能用 NHibernate 实例化它。

  2. 制作Attributes属性dynamic。它也不起作用,因为 NHibernate 在创建 ClassMap<>.

  3. 时将 dynamic 属性视为 object


我最终通过运行时 ClassMap<> 绑定以通用方式完成了它。


class GeometryModel<TAttributes>
    public virtual int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    //More fields...

    public virtual TAttributes Attributes { get; set; }


class GeometryModelMap<TAttributes> : ClassMap<GeometryModel<TAttributes>>
    public GeometryModelMap()
        Id(t => t.Id).GeneratedBy.Increment();
        Map(t => t.Name);
        //More mappings...
        References(t => t.Attributes);


private static FluentMappingsContainer AddGenericMappings(this FluentMappingsContainer container, Type genericType, IEnumerable<Type> genericArgs)
    foreach (var arg in genericArgs)
        var newType = genericType.MakeGenericType(arg);
    return container;


private static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory(string path)
    return Fluently.Configure()
                   .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings
                   .AddGenericMappings(typeof(GeometryModelMap<>), new[] { typeof(HouseAttributes), typeof(DungeonAttributes), typeof(FortressAttributes) }  )
            .ExposeConfiguration(config => BuildSchema(config, path))