XGBoost 中 multi-class classification 的损失函数是哪个?

Which is the loss function for multi-class classification in XGBoost?

我想知道哪个损失函数使用 XGBoost 进行多重class class化。我发现 logistic classification 在二元情况下的损失函数。

虽然对于 multi-class 情况,它可能与 GBM 相同(对于 K classes)which can be seen here, where y_k=1 if x's label is k and 0 in any other case, and p_k(x) is the softmax function. However, I have made the first and second order gradient using this loss function and the hessian doesn't match the one defined in the code here(在 SoftmaxMultiClassObj 中的 GetGradient 函数中)常数 2.





基本上,你可以用"eval_metric"参数来定义损失函数。 (回归默认为rmse,分类默认为error)

"error" 函数的描述在官方 github 仓库中给出:

""error":二分类错误率,计算方式为#(wrong cases)/#(all cases)。对于预测,评估会将预测值大于0.5的实例作为正例,其他为负例。

也可以在 https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/doc/parameter.md

的 "Learning Task Parameters" 部分找到可用评估指标的完整列表


用于 multiclass 的损失函数,如您所料,是 softmax objective 函数。截至目前,multiclass 的唯一选项显示在下面的引用中,multi:softprob 返回所有概率,而不仅仅是最有可能的 class.

“multi:softmax” –set XGBoost to do multiclass classification using the softmax objective, you also need to set num_class(number of classes)

“multi:softprob” –same as softmax, but output a vector of ndata * nclass, which can be further reshaped to ndata, nclass matrix. The result contains predicted probability of each data point belonging to each class.
