以确定性方式获取新 ID

Get a fresh id in a deterministic manner

我在 C# 中有一个 IImmutableDictionary<int, MyType>。在我的程序执行期间,我想根据一些命令添加和删除 MyType 个实例:

public sealed class AddMyTypeCommand : ICommand
    public readonly MyType myTypeToAdd;

    // etc... 

public sealed class RemoveMyTypeCommand : ICommand
    public readonly int keyToRemove;

    // etc... 

添加 MyType 时,我想生成字典中不存在的新 int 键。

我假设我永远不会 运行 出 int 次,因为密钥可能会被删除并在以后重新使用。

主要问题是我希望过程是确定性的。对于给定的 ICommand 流,代码必须在不同的机器上执行相同的(并生成相同的密钥!)。




class ImmutableDictionary<T>
    private readonly Dictionary<int, T> _dict = new Dictionary<int, T>();
    private readonly Queue<int> _holes = new Queue<int>();
    private int _nextInt = 0; //what is next integer to assign, I'm starting at 0, but can be int.MinValue
    private int AssignKey()
        //if we have a hole, use that as the next key. Otherwise use the largest value we haven't assigned yet, and then increment that value by 1
        return _holes.Count != 0 ? _holes.Dequeue() : _nextInt++;

    public void Add(T input)
        _dict.Add(AssignKey(), input);

    public void Remove(int key)
        if (_dict.Remove(key)) //if a remove is successful, we should add a hole
        //you can extend the logic here to not add a hole if you are removing something equal to _nextInt - 1.