单元测试:使用 mocking/stubbing 的正确术语

Unit test: using the proper terminology for mocking/stubbing

在对我的项目系统架构进行根本性更改后,我发现自己处于需要创建“fake”实现的情况,以便测试一些曾经是public 如下:

* Display the template linked to the page. 
* @param $newSmarty Smarty object to use to display the template.
* @param $parameters associative Array containing the values to pass to the template.
*       The key is the name of the variable in the template and the value is the value of the variable.
* @param $account child class in the AccountManager hierarchy
* @param $partialview String name of the partial view we are working on
protected function displayPageTemplateSmarty(Smarty &$newSmarty, array $parameters = array(), AccountManager $account = NULL, string $partialview = "")
     $this->smarty = $newSmarty;

if (is_file(
    realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../../" . 
    Session::getInstance()->getCurrentDomain() . "/view/" . (
        !empty($partialview) ? 
        "partial_view/" . $partialview :
            array(".html", "/"), 
            array(".tpl", ""), 
)) {


    $this->smarty->assign('domain', Session::getInstance()->getCurrentDomain());


        Languagecontroller::getFieldTranslation('PAGE_TITLE', '')

    $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('PageController', $this);

    $htmlTagBuilder = HTMLTagBuilder::getInstance();

    $languageController = LanguageController::getInstance();

    $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('htmlTagBuilder', $htmlTagBuilder);
    $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('languageController', $languageController);

    if (!is_null($account)) {

        $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('userAccount', $account);

    if (!is_null($this->menuGenerator)) {

        $this->smarty->assign_by_ref('menuGenerator', $this->menuGenerator);

    foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {

        $this->smarty->assign($key, $value);    

    $this->smarty->display((!empty($partialview) ? 
        "partial_view/" . $partialview : 
            array(".html", "/"), 
            array(".tpl", ""), 

在这种情况下,PageController class 以前直接在控制器中调用,但现在是控制器扩展的抽象 class 我的单元测试无法再访问方法。

我的新会话包装器 class 中也有这样的方法,只能在非常特定的上下文中使用,为此我确实需要创建假页面实现来测试它们。

* Add or update an entry to the page session array.
* Note: can only be updated by the PageController.
* @param $key String Key in the session array.
*   Will not be added if the key is not a string.
* @param $value The value to be added to the session array.
* @return Boolean
public function updatePageSession(string $key, $value)
    $trace = debug_backtrace();

    $updated = false;

    if (isset($trace[1]) and 
        isset($trace[1]['class']) and
        $trace[1]['class'] === 'PageController'
    ) {

        $this->pageSession[$key] = $value;

        $updated = true;

    return $updated;

即使我看了一些文章,我仍然不清楚那些假 classes 应该被视为“stub”还是“ mock”(甚至是“fake”、“dummy”等等)。


为了不言自明,您如何称呼那些仅为测试目的而创建的虚假 class 实现?

Gerard Meszaros 解释了假人、存根、间谍、模拟和假货的术语 here

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