如何结合 WebDriver 和 Scotty monad

How to combine WebDriver and Scotty monads



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Lib where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import           Data.Monoid               ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text                 as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy            as TL
import           Test.WebDriver
--import           Web.Scotty
import           Web.Scotty.Trans

firefoxConfig :: WDConfig
firefoxConfig = defaultConfig

startMyBrowser :: WD a -> IO a
startMyBrowser = runSession firefoxConfig

stopMyBrowser = closeSession

someFunc :: WD String
someFunc = do
  openPage "http://maslo.cz"
  captionElem <- findElem (ByCSS "h2")
  text <- getText captionElem
  return $ T.unpack text

helloAction :: ActionT TL.Text WD ()
helloAction = do
  a <- lift someFunc
  text $ "got this for you: " <> TL.pack a

routes :: ScottyT TL.Text WD ()
routes = get "/hello" helloAction

startServer = startMyBrowser $ do
  lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes

我不确定那些填充的部分是否正确 - 它应该启动一个 Selenium 会话(startMyBrowser),启动一个网络服务器(scottyT 部分)并在 web 之后服务器停止它应该结束 Selenium 会话 (stopMyBrowser)。



编辑 1: 以下是错误:

  • Couldn't match type ‘t0 m0’ with ‘WD’
    Expected type: WD ()
      Actual type: t0 m0 ()
  • In a stmt of a 'do' block: lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
      ‘do { lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes;
            stopMyBrowser }’
    In the expression:
      $ do { lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes;
             stopMyBrowser }

  • Found hole:
      _ :: WD wai-
           -> IO wai-
  • In the second argument of ‘scottyT’, namely ‘_’
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘scottyT 3000 _ routes’
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes
  • Relevant bindings include
      startServer :: IO () (bound at src/Lib.hs:37:1)

好心人ForTheFunctionGod on reddit answered it,这里是:


lift $ scottyT 3000 _ routes

因为 scottyT 的 return 类型是

MonadIO n => n

你不需要解除它 - 它可以适合任何可以执行 IO 操作的 monad。 WD 就是这样一个 monad - 注意它的 MonadIO 实例。如果 return 类型是简单的 IO.

,则您只需要提升 scottyT

键入 类,如 MonadIOMonadState 等,大部分都避免了手动提升计算的需要。如果你想将它嵌入到 StateT s IO Int 中,你需要提升一个函数来键入 IO Int,你不需要提升一个类型为 MonadIO m => m a 的函数,因为 [=24] =] 已经是 MonadIO 的一个实例,所以 m 可以实例化它。


WD Response -> IO Response

完成这项工作的唯一方法是使用 runSession 或其朋友之一。我不太了解 Selenium,但是,据推测,您可以 re-use 您已经打开的会话的 ID:

runWD :: WDSession -> WD a -> IO a

startServer = startMyBrowser $ do
   sessionID <- getSession
   scottyT 3000 (runWD sessionID) routes


确实如此 :)。