F# 新手,不知道如何修复 FS0025 错误
New to F# and Don't Know How to Fix FS0025 error
我正在努力自学 F#(我的第一门函数式编程语言),方法是构建一个非常重要的应用程序(或尝试),该应用程序将记录用户输入并写入 JSON 文件(或最终,一个数据库)贫穷的人口贩运幸存者向美国所有反人口贩运 charities/NGO 提出的帮助请求的结果。在尝试了我能想到的一切以确保考虑了相关模式的所有可能情况之后,我不断收到此错误。我不知道如何修复它,我真的不能在这个应用程序上使用任何错误抑制。任何帮助都将不胜感激,因为我没有其他人可以寻求任何帮助和支持。这是 TerminalBuilder.fs 文件中的代码:
namespace Nonprofits
module TerminalBuilder =
open System
open System.IO
open Nonprofits.Types
let rec caller():Caller =
printfn "Are you reporting as an advocate on behalf of someone else or for yourself?"
printfn " 1 for Advocate"
printfn " 2 for Self"
let answer = Console.ReadLine()
match answer with
| "1" -> Advocate
| "2" -> ClientOrVictim
| _ -> printfn "Invalid Entry"
let specialneeds():Set<Disability> =
let rec spnds(s:Set<Disability>): Set<Disability> =
printfn "Do you/the person on whose behalf you're reporting have any disabling conditions?"
printfn " 1 for Learning Disability"
printfn " 2 for Physical Disability"
printfn " 3 for Mental Health Issues"
printfn " 4 for Substance Addiction Issues"
printfn " 5 for Pregnancy-Related Limitations"
printfn " 6 for Chronic Illness"
printfn " 7 for Don't KNow/Undiagnosed"
printfn " Enter 'Exit' for None"
let answer = Console.ReadLine()
match answer.Trim().ToLower() with
| "exit" -> s
| _ ->
let sn =
match answer.Trim().ToLower() with
| "1" -> Some LearningDisabled
| "2" -> Some PhysicallyDisabled
| "3" -> Some MentalIllness
| "4" -> Some SubstanceAddiction
| "5" -> Some Pregnancy
| "6" -> Some ChronicIllness
| "7" -> Some Undiagnosed
| "exit" -> printfn "No disabling conditions"
match sn with
| None -> spnds(s)
| Some (x) -> spnds(s.Add(x))
spnds(new Set<Disability> ([]))
namespace Nonprofits
open System.Collections
module Types =
type NgoType =
| HomelessShelter
| DVShelter
| TraffickingVictimSafehouse
| TraffickingSurvivorAftercare // gamut of legal, housing, clothing, food, medical, reintegration, etc.
| FoodPantries
| ClothingAssistance
| FreeMedicalDentalClinic
type Ngo = Ngo of NgoType * string
type Caller =
| ClientOrVictim
| Advocate
and CallerStatus =
| VictimServicesAdvocate of Caller
| DVvictim of Caller
| SexTraffickingSurvivor of Caller
| HomelessVictim of Caller
| NaturalDisasterVictim of Caller
| GeneralPovertyVictim of Caller
and Disability =
| Pregnancy
| PhysicallyDisabled
| LearningDisabled
| MentalIllness
| SubstanceAddiction
| ChronicIllness
| Undiagnosed
and SpecialNeeds = SpecialNeeds of Set<Disability>
type UnmetNeeds =
| TraffickingSafebed
| DVsafebed
| Housing
| Clothing
| Food
| Legal
| Medical
| Dental
| Vision
| DrugRehab
| TraumaCare
| PsychiatricCare
| SkillsTraining
| EducationHelp
| JobPlacement
| EconomicSupport
type CallerRequest =
| TraffickingVictimAftercare of Set<UnmetNeeds>
| PovertyVictimCare of Set<UnmetNeeds>
type Followup =
| SocialWorkerFollowup of Help
| CallerSelfDirected of Help
and Help =
| Helped //fully helped with everything caller needed
| ExhaustedOptions // exhausted resources and still not helped
| WrongHelp //i.e. caller offered smoking cessation counseling when caller needed sex trafficking aftercare
| NotHelped of Followup
| GivenReferral of ReferredToNextNgo
and ReferredToNextNgo = ReferredToNextNgo of Followup * Ngo
type CallOutcome =
| CallerHelped
| CallerNotHelped of Followup
| CallerReferred of ReferredToNextNgo
type Call = Call of Caller * CallerRequest * CallOutcome
C:\UsersCU1501060\Documents\Projects\DUandTypesPractice\DUandTypesPractice\TerminalBuilder.fs(27,27): Warning FS0025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. For example, the value '"a"' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s). (FS0025) (DUandTypesPractice)
let sn =
match answer.Trim().ToLower() with
| "1" -> Some LearningDisabled
| "2" -> Some PhysicallyDisabled
| "3" -> Some MentalIllness
| "4" -> Some SubstanceAddiction
| "5" -> Some Pregnancy
| "6" -> Some ChronicIllness
| "7" -> Some Undiagnosed
| "exit" -> printfn "No disabling conditions"
| answer -> //do something
| answer -> printfn "not supported answer %A" answer
None // or retry?
编译器在帮你,告诉你"what happen if user choose 'a'"?
我正在努力自学 F#(我的第一门函数式编程语言),方法是构建一个非常重要的应用程序(或尝试),该应用程序将记录用户输入并写入 JSON 文件(或最终,一个数据库)贫穷的人口贩运幸存者向美国所有反人口贩运 charities/NGO 提出的帮助请求的结果。在尝试了我能想到的一切以确保考虑了相关模式的所有可能情况之后,我不断收到此错误。我不知道如何修复它,我真的不能在这个应用程序上使用任何错误抑制。任何帮助都将不胜感激,因为我没有其他人可以寻求任何帮助和支持。这是 TerminalBuilder.fs 文件中的代码:
namespace Nonprofits
module TerminalBuilder =
open System
open System.IO
open Nonprofits.Types
let rec caller():Caller =
printfn "Are you reporting as an advocate on behalf of someone else or for yourself?"
printfn " 1 for Advocate"
printfn " 2 for Self"
let answer = Console.ReadLine()
match answer with
| "1" -> Advocate
| "2" -> ClientOrVictim
| _ -> printfn "Invalid Entry"
let specialneeds():Set<Disability> =
let rec spnds(s:Set<Disability>): Set<Disability> =
printfn "Do you/the person on whose behalf you're reporting have any disabling conditions?"
printfn " 1 for Learning Disability"
printfn " 2 for Physical Disability"
printfn " 3 for Mental Health Issues"
printfn " 4 for Substance Addiction Issues"
printfn " 5 for Pregnancy-Related Limitations"
printfn " 6 for Chronic Illness"
printfn " 7 for Don't KNow/Undiagnosed"
printfn " Enter 'Exit' for None"
let answer = Console.ReadLine()
match answer.Trim().ToLower() with
| "exit" -> s
| _ ->
let sn =
match answer.Trim().ToLower() with
| "1" -> Some LearningDisabled
| "2" -> Some PhysicallyDisabled
| "3" -> Some MentalIllness
| "4" -> Some SubstanceAddiction
| "5" -> Some Pregnancy
| "6" -> Some ChronicIllness
| "7" -> Some Undiagnosed
| "exit" -> printfn "No disabling conditions"
match sn with
| None -> spnds(s)
| Some (x) -> spnds(s.Add(x))
spnds(new Set<Disability> ([]))
namespace Nonprofits
open System.Collections
module Types =
type NgoType =
| HomelessShelter
| DVShelter
| TraffickingVictimSafehouse
| TraffickingSurvivorAftercare // gamut of legal, housing, clothing, food, medical, reintegration, etc.
| FoodPantries
| ClothingAssistance
| FreeMedicalDentalClinic
type Ngo = Ngo of NgoType * string
type Caller =
| ClientOrVictim
| Advocate
and CallerStatus =
| VictimServicesAdvocate of Caller
| DVvictim of Caller
| SexTraffickingSurvivor of Caller
| HomelessVictim of Caller
| NaturalDisasterVictim of Caller
| GeneralPovertyVictim of Caller
and Disability =
| Pregnancy
| PhysicallyDisabled
| LearningDisabled
| MentalIllness
| SubstanceAddiction
| ChronicIllness
| Undiagnosed
and SpecialNeeds = SpecialNeeds of Set<Disability>
type UnmetNeeds =
| TraffickingSafebed
| DVsafebed
| Housing
| Clothing
| Food
| Legal
| Medical
| Dental
| Vision
| DrugRehab
| TraumaCare
| PsychiatricCare
| SkillsTraining
| EducationHelp
| JobPlacement
| EconomicSupport
type CallerRequest =
| TraffickingVictimAftercare of Set<UnmetNeeds>
| PovertyVictimCare of Set<UnmetNeeds>
type Followup =
| SocialWorkerFollowup of Help
| CallerSelfDirected of Help
and Help =
| Helped //fully helped with everything caller needed
| ExhaustedOptions // exhausted resources and still not helped
| WrongHelp //i.e. caller offered smoking cessation counseling when caller needed sex trafficking aftercare
| NotHelped of Followup
| GivenReferral of ReferredToNextNgo
and ReferredToNextNgo = ReferredToNextNgo of Followup * Ngo
type CallOutcome =
| CallerHelped
| CallerNotHelped of Followup
| CallerReferred of ReferredToNextNgo
type Call = Call of Caller * CallerRequest * CallOutcome
C:\UsersCU1501060\Documents\Projects\DUandTypesPractice\DUandTypesPractice\TerminalBuilder.fs(27,27): Warning FS0025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. For example, the value '"a"' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s). (FS0025) (DUandTypesPractice)
let sn =
match answer.Trim().ToLower() with
| "1" -> Some LearningDisabled
| "2" -> Some PhysicallyDisabled
| "3" -> Some MentalIllness
| "4" -> Some SubstanceAddiction
| "5" -> Some Pregnancy
| "6" -> Some ChronicIllness
| "7" -> Some Undiagnosed
| "exit" -> printfn "No disabling conditions"
| answer -> //do something
| answer -> printfn "not supported answer %A" answer
None // or retry?
编译器在帮你,告诉你"what happen if user choose 'a'"?