Incremental PCA
我从未使用过 sklearn 中存在的增量 PCA,我对它的参数有点困惑,无法找到对它们的良好解释。
我看到构造函数中有 batch_size
,而且,当使用 partial_fit
n = df.shape[0]
chunk_size = 100000
iterations = n//chunk_size
ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=40, batch_size=1000)
for i in range(0, iterations):
ipca.partial_fit(df[i*chunk_size : (i+1)*chunk_size].values)
ipca.partial_fit(df[iterations*chunk_size : n].values)
现在,我不明白的是以下内容 - 使用部分拟合时,batch_size 是否起任何作用?他们有什么关系?
docs 说:
batch_size : int or None, (default=None)
The number of samples to use for each batch. Only used when calling fit...
此参数未在 partial_fit
中使用,其中 batch-size 由用户控制。
大批量会增加 memory-consumption,小批量会减少。
This algorithm has constant memory complexity, on the order of batch_size, enabling use of np.memmap files without loading the entire file into memory.
尽管进行了一些检查和 parameter-heuristics,但整个 fit
for batch in gen_batches(n_samples, self.batch_size_):
self.partial_fit(X[batch], check_input=False)
下面是一些基于 https://github.com/kevinhughes27/pyIPCA 的增量 PCA 代码,它是 CCIPCA 方法的实现。
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg as la
import scipy.sparse as sps
from sklearn import datasets
class CCIPCA:
def __init__(self, n_components, n_features, amnesic=2.0, copy=True):
self.n_components = n_components
self.n_features = n_features
self.copy = copy
self.amnesic = amnesic
self.iteration = 0
self.mean_ = None
self.components_ = None
self.mean_ = np.zeros([self.n_features], np.float)
self.components_ = np.ones((self.n_components,self.n_features)) / \
def partial_fit(self, u):
n = float(self.iteration)
V = self.components_
# amnesic learning params
if n <= int(self.amnesic):
w1 = float(n+2-1)/float(n+2)
w2 = float(1)/float(n+2)
w1 = float(n+2-self.amnesic)/float(n+2)
w2 = float(1+self.amnesic)/float(n+2)
# update mean
self.mean_ = w1*self.mean_ + w2*u
# mean center u
u = u - self.mean_
# update components
for j in range(0,self.n_components):
if j > n: pass
elif j == n: V[j,:] = u
# update the components
V[j,:] = w1*V[j,:] + w2*np.dot(u,V[j,:])*u / la.norm(V[j,:])
normedV = V[j,:] / la.norm(V[j,:])
normedV = normedV.reshape((self.n_features, 1))
u = u - np.dot(np.dot(u,normedV),normedV.T)
self.iteration += 1
self.components_ = V / la.norm(V)
def post_process(self):
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.components_**2,axis=1))
idx = np.argsort(-self.explained_variance_ratio_)
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = self.explained_variance_ratio_[idx]
self.components_ = self.components_[idx,:]
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = (self.explained_variance_ratio_ / \
for r in range(0,self.components_.shape[0]):
d = np.sqrt(np.dot(self.components_[r,:],self.components_[r,:]))
self.components_[r,:] /= d
导入 pandas 作为 pd、ccipca
df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')
df = np.array(df)[:,:4].astype(float)
pca = ccipca.CCIPCA(n_components=2,n_features=4)
S = 10
print df[0, :]
for i in range(150): pca.partial_fit(df[i, :])
生成的特征向量/值将不会与批量 PCA 完全相同。结果是近似值,但很有用。
我从未使用过 sklearn 中存在的增量 PCA,我对它的参数有点困惑,无法找到对它们的良好解释。
我看到构造函数中有 batch_size
,而且,当使用 partial_fit
n = df.shape[0]
chunk_size = 100000
iterations = n//chunk_size
ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=40, batch_size=1000)
for i in range(0, iterations):
ipca.partial_fit(df[i*chunk_size : (i+1)*chunk_size].values)
ipca.partial_fit(df[iterations*chunk_size : n].values)
现在,我不明白的是以下内容 - 使用部分拟合时,batch_size 是否起任何作用?他们有什么关系?
docs 说:
batch_size : int or None, (default=None)
The number of samples to use for each batch. Only used when calling fit...
此参数未在 partial_fit
中使用,其中 batch-size 由用户控制。
大批量会增加 memory-consumption,小批量会减少。 这也写在文档中:
This algorithm has constant memory complexity, on the order of batch_size, enabling use of np.memmap files without loading the entire file into memory.
尽管进行了一些检查和 parameter-heuristics,但整个 fit
for batch in gen_batches(n_samples, self.batch_size_):
self.partial_fit(X[batch], check_input=False)
下面是一些基于 https://github.com/kevinhughes27/pyIPCA 的增量 PCA 代码,它是 CCIPCA 方法的实现。
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg as la
import scipy.sparse as sps
from sklearn import datasets
class CCIPCA:
def __init__(self, n_components, n_features, amnesic=2.0, copy=True):
self.n_components = n_components
self.n_features = n_features
self.copy = copy
self.amnesic = amnesic
self.iteration = 0
self.mean_ = None
self.components_ = None
self.mean_ = np.zeros([self.n_features], np.float)
self.components_ = np.ones((self.n_components,self.n_features)) / \
def partial_fit(self, u):
n = float(self.iteration)
V = self.components_
# amnesic learning params
if n <= int(self.amnesic):
w1 = float(n+2-1)/float(n+2)
w2 = float(1)/float(n+2)
w1 = float(n+2-self.amnesic)/float(n+2)
w2 = float(1+self.amnesic)/float(n+2)
# update mean
self.mean_ = w1*self.mean_ + w2*u
# mean center u
u = u - self.mean_
# update components
for j in range(0,self.n_components):
if j > n: pass
elif j == n: V[j,:] = u
# update the components
V[j,:] = w1*V[j,:] + w2*np.dot(u,V[j,:])*u / la.norm(V[j,:])
normedV = V[j,:] / la.norm(V[j,:])
normedV = normedV.reshape((self.n_features, 1))
u = u - np.dot(np.dot(u,normedV),normedV.T)
self.iteration += 1
self.components_ = V / la.norm(V)
def post_process(self):
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.components_**2,axis=1))
idx = np.argsort(-self.explained_variance_ratio_)
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = self.explained_variance_ratio_[idx]
self.components_ = self.components_[idx,:]
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = (self.explained_variance_ratio_ / \
for r in range(0,self.components_.shape[0]):
d = np.sqrt(np.dot(self.components_[r,:],self.components_[r,:]))
self.components_[r,:] /= d
进行测试导入 pandas 作为 pd、ccipca
df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')
df = np.array(df)[:,:4].astype(float)
pca = ccipca.CCIPCA(n_components=2,n_features=4)
S = 10
print df[0, :]
for i in range(150): pca.partial_fit(df[i, :])
生成的特征向量/值将不会与批量 PCA 完全相同。结果是近似值,但很有用。