SASS 带有动态参数列表的 mixin 不适用于只有一个参数

SASS mixin with dynamic argument list does not work with only one argument

我编写了以下 mixin 来动态创建两个 类 用于标题和副标题。我希望能够向 类 添加参数数组。但只有当我在数组中有多个值而不是只有一个时,我才能让它工作。我怀疑它没有被视为数组。

@mixin argument ($key, $value) {
    #{$key}: $value;

// dynamic mixin that creates two seperate classes for a header title and subtitle
@mixin header-titles($name, $title-size, $title-color, $sub-size, $sub-color, $title-extra: false, $sub-extra: false) {

    .#{$name}-title {
        @include font($bold-font, 900, $title-size, $title-color)
        @if $title-extra {
            @each $t-extra in $title-extra{
                @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));

    .#{$name}-subtitle {
        @include font($bold-font, 900, $sub-size, $sub-color)
        @if $sub-extra {
            @each $s-extra in $sub-extra {
                @include argument(nth($s-extra,1),nth($s-extra,2));

如果你在 SASS 和 运行 mix.sass('homepage.scss'); 中使用 gulp watch 和 laravel elixir 这样调用它,它就会起作用。

@include header-titles(
    ((margin, 50px 0 0 0),(padding, 50px 0 0 0)),((margin, 50px 0 0 0),(padding, 50px 0 0 0))


@include header-titles(
    ((margin, 50px 0 0 0)),((margin, 50px 0 0 0))


Error: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`
        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss
>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));

    at options.error ({obfuscated projectdirname}\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:286:26)
  status: 1,
  file: '{obfuscated projectdirname}/resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss',
  line: 86,
  column: 51,
  message: 'resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss\nError: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n',
  formatted: 'Error: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n',
  messageFormatted: 'resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss\nError: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n',
  messageOriginal: 'index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`',
  relativePath: 'resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss',
  name: 'Error',
  stack: 'Error: resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss\nError: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n\n    at options.error ({obfuscated projectdirname}\exroot\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:286:26)',
  showStack: false,
  showProperties: true,
  plugin: 'gulp-sass' }
{ Error: resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss
Error: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`
        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss
>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));

    at options.error ({obfuscated projectdirname}\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:286:26)
  status: 1,
  file: '{obfuscated projectdirname}/resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss',
  line: 86,
  column: 51,
  message: 'resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss\nError: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n',
  formatted: 'Error: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n',
  messageFormatted: 'resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss\nError: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n',
  messageOriginal: 'index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`',
  relativePath: 'resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss',
  name: 'Error',
  stack: 'Error: resources\assets\sass\_mixins.scss\nError: index out of bounds for `nth($list, $n)`\n        on line 86 of resources/assets/sass/_mixins.scss\n>>         @include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));\n   ------------------------------------------^\n\n    at options.error ({obfuscated projectdirname}\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:286:26)',
  showStack: false,
  showProperties: true,
  plugin: 'gulp-sass' }

我的 google-fu 在试图找出这个错误的含义时抛弃了我。



关于单个元素列表,它是已知的problem/behavior。如本 GitHub thread you can add an extra comma at the end to make Sass treat it as a list. This method works from Sass v3.3.0 onwards. (Tested at 和 v3.4.21 所述。)

@include header-titles(
    ((margin, 50px 0 0 0),),((margin, 50px 0 0 0),)

当它在没有额外逗号的情况下发送时,Sass 编译器似乎将其视为 $title-extra 是一个包含两个值的列表,其中第一个是 margin 和第二个是 50px 0 0 0$sub-extra 列表的行为也类似。这就是当我试图在 @each 循环中输出单个值时在 处发生的情况。由于 $title-extra 的第 1st 值本身只是 margin,编译器在以下行失败(在 @each 循环的第一次迭代中)因为没有第二个值可以使用 nth.

/* $t-extra in 1st iteration is only margin and so nth($t-extra,2) reports error */
@include argument(nth($t-extra,1),nth($t-extra,2));