BizTalk 2013 R2 SharePoint 适配器是否支持 HTTPS?

Does the BizTalk 2013 R2 SharePoint adapter support HTTPS?

我正在研究一个潜在的集成解决方案,该解决方案将使用 BizTalk 2013 R2 通过客户端对象模型与 SharePoint Online 进行交互。但是,我想牢记安全性,因此我尝试验证 WSS 适配器是否支持 HTTPS。我在文档中找不到明确说明这一点的任何地方,在我能够对其进行测试之前需要一些努力。

仅使用带有端口 443 的 https URL 来配置 WSS 适配器以使用 HTTPS 就足够了吗?

What Is the Windows SharePoint Services Adapter?

Permissions to Windows SharePoint Services files, lists, and document libraries are restricted using Windows SharePoint Services security. The messages are sent from Windows SharePoint Services directly into BizTalk Server. The communication between the adapter runtime and the Web service is done over HTTP or HTTPS.

The adapter assumes that the BTSharePointAdapterWS Web service is using the same HTTP scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) as the Windows SharePoint Services site. This means that the adapter will use HTTPS to communicate with the BTSSharePointAdapterWS Web service when the Windows SharePoint Services Site is created on a secure IIS Web site, or it will use HTTP to communicate with the BTSharePointAdapterWS Web service when the Windows SharePoint Services site is created on an IIS Web site without a server certificate.


将 SharePoint 站点 URL 配置为具有 https://,您不必指定端口。