
How get mean of weighted matrixes without loop?


w1, w2...wn
A1, A2... An


w1*A1 + w2*A2 + ... + wn*An

没有循环? 以及如何有效地获得

w1*(b1*c1) + w2*(b2*c2) + ... + wn*(bn*cn)

其中 bici 是向量,但 bi*ci 是矩阵,而不是标量?


如果您的矩阵 An 存储在大小为 P x Q x N 的 3-D 矩阵中,使得 An = A(:,:,n) 对于 n = 1, 2, ..., N 并且您的权重存储在权重向量中 w 的大小 1 x N 然后以下命令执行加权平均:

B = reshape(w*reshape(permute(A,[3,1,2]),N,[]),[P,Q]);


% create matrices
a=[1 2]
b=randi(9,[3 3 2])

% now you will have to reshape a, so that its non-singleton dimensions match b
% i.e. a is 1 x 2 and b is 3 x 3 x 2, so second dimension of (=2) should match 
% 3rd dimension of b (=2). Thus a should be of shape `1 x 1 x 2`. Then you can 
% multiply using bsxfun and sum along 3rd dimension as follows

sum(bsxfun(@times, permute(a,[3 1 2]), b),3)