
Converting the rows of panda data frame into columns


Key Value
A    2
A    6
B    7
A    1
B    3
B    4
A    2


2 7
6 3
1 4
2 NaN

您可以使用 groupbyapply 来创建新的 index 值:

df = df.groupby('Key').Value.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.values)).unstack(0)
print (df)
Key  A  B
0    2  7
1    6  3
2    1  4
3    2  0

pivot and creating new index values by cumcount的另一个解决方案:

df = pd.pivot(index = df.groupby('Key').cumcount(), columns=df['Key'], values=df['Value'])
print (df)
Key  A  B
0    2  7
1    6  3
2    1  4
3    2  0

df1 = df.groupby('Key').Value.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.values)).unstack(0)
print (df1)
Key    A    B
0    2.0  7.0
1    6.0  3.0
2    1.0  4.0
3    2.0  NaN

df2 = pd.pivot(index = df.groupby('Key').cumcount(), columns=df['Key'], values=df['Value'])
print (df2)
Key    A    B
0    2.0  7.0
1    6.0  3.0
2    1.0  4.0
3    2.0  NaN


使用 pd.concat 和列表理解和 np.unique

s = pd.Series(df.Value.values, df.Key.values)
u = np.unique(s.index.values).tolist()
pd.concat([s.loc[k].reset_index(drop=True) for k in u], axis=1, keys=u)

   A    B
0  2  7.0
1  6  3.0
2  1  4.0
3  2  NaN


# np.unique can return value counts and an inverse array
# the inverse array will be very helpful in slicing the final
# array we are trying to fill
u, inv, c = np.unique(df.Key.values, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)

# construct empty array to fill with values
# number of rows equal to the maximum value count
# number of columns equal to the number of unique values
new = np.empty((c.max(), len(u)), dtype=np.float)

# construct handy cumulative count per unique value
rows = np.arange(len(inv)) - np.append(0, c[:-1]).repeat(c)

# use slicing arrays to fill empty array
new[rows, inv] = df.Value.values

pd.DataFrame(new, np.arange(c.max()), u)

   A    B
0  2  7.0
1  6  3.0
2  1  4.0
3  2  NaN
