第 k 个最小的数字 - 快速排序比快速选择更快
kth smallest number - quicksort faster than quickselect
我已经实现了以下快速选择算法来实现 O(n)
中值选择的复杂性(更一般地说是第 k 个最小的数字):
static size_t partition(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size, size_t pivot_idx)
const double pivot_value = points_ptr[pivot_idx]->distance;
/* Move pivot to the end. */
SWAP(points_ptr[pivot_idx], points_ptr[points_size - 1], struct point *);
/* Perform the element moving. */
size_t border_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points_size - 1; ++i) {
if (points_ptr[i]->distance < pivot_value) {
SWAP(points_ptr[border_idx], points_ptr[i], struct point *);
/* Move pivot to act as a border element. */
SWAP(points_ptr[border_idx], points_ptr[points_size - 1], struct point *);
return border_idx;
static struct point * qselect(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size, size_t k)
const size_t pivot_idx = partition(points_ptr, points_size, rand() % points_size);
if (k == pivot_idx) { //k lies on the same place as a pivot
return points_ptr[pivot_idx];
} else if (k < pivot_idx) { //k lies on the left of the pivot
//points_ptr remains the same
points_size = pivot_idx;
//k remains the same
} else { //k lies on the right of the pivot
points_ptr += pivot_idx + 1;
points_size -= pivot_idx + 1;
k -= pivot_idx + 1;
return qselect(points_ptr, points_size, k);
然后我尝试将它与 glibc 的 qsort()
和 O(nlog(n))
double wtime;
wtime = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
qsort(points_ptr, points_size, sizeof (*points_ptr), compar_rand);
wtime -= omp_get_wtime();
qsort(points_ptr, points_size, sizeof (*points_ptr), compar_distance);
wtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("qsort took %f\n", wtime);
wtime = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
qsort(points_ptr, points_size, sizeof (*points_ptr), compar_rand);
wtime -= omp_get_wtime();
qselect(points_ptr, points_size, points_size / 2);
wtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("qselect took %f\n", wtime);
对于包含 10000 个元素的数组,结果类似于 qsort took 0.280432
、qselect took 8.516676
第一个显而易见的答案是:可能 qsort 没有实现快速排序。
我阅读标准已经有一段时间了,但我认为没有任何要求 qsort() 执行快速排序。
其次:现有的 C 标准库通常经过大量优化(例如,在可用的情况下使用特殊的汇编指令)。结合现代 CPU 的复杂性能特征,这很可能导致 O(n log n) - 快速排序不是 - 算法比 O(n) 算法更快。
我的猜测是您弄乱了缓存 - valgrind / cachegrind 应该可以告诉您的事情。
感谢你们的建议,我的 quickselect 实现的问题是它展示了它的 worst-case 复杂性 O(n^2)
对于 inputs that contain many repeated elements,这就是我的情况。 Glibc 的 qsort()
(它默认使用合并排序)在这里不显示 O(n^2)
我已经修改了我的 partition()
函数来执行基本的 3 向分区,并且 median-of-three 非常适合快速选择:
/** \breif Quicksort's partition procedure.
* In linear time, partition a list into three parts: less than, greater than
* and equals to the pivot, for example input 3 2 7 4 5 1 4 1 will be
* partitioned into 3 2 1 1 | 5 7 | 4 4 4 where 4 is the pivot.
* Modified version of the median-of-three strategy is implemented, it ends with
* a median at the end of an array (this saves us one or two swaps).
static void partition(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size,
size_t *less_size, size_t *equal_size)
/* Modified median-of-three and pivot selection. */
struct point **first_ptr = points_ptr;
struct point **middle_ptr = points_ptr + (points_size / 2);
struct point **last_ptr = points_ptr + (points_size - 1);
if ((*first_ptr)->distance > (*last_ptr)->distance) {
SWAP(*first_ptr, *last_ptr, struct point *);
if ((*first_ptr)->distance > (*middle_ptr)->distance) {
SWAP(*first_ptr, *middle_ptr, struct point *);
if ((*last_ptr)->distance > (*middle_ptr)->distance) { //reversed
SWAP(*last_ptr, *middle_ptr, struct point *);
const double pivot_value = (*last_ptr)->distance;
/* Element swapping. */
size_t greater_idx = 0;
size_t equal_idx = points_size - 1;
size_t i = 0;
while (i < equal_idx) {
const double elem_value = points_ptr[i]->distance;
if (elem_value < pivot_value) {
SWAP(points_ptr[greater_idx], points_ptr[i], struct point *);
} else if (elem_value == pivot_value) {
SWAP(points_ptr[i], points_ptr[equal_idx], struct point *);
} else { //elem_value > pivot_value
*less_size = greater_idx;
*equal_size = points_size - equal_idx;
/** A selection algorithm to find the kth smallest element in an unordered list.
static struct point * qselect(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size,
size_t k)
size_t less_size;
size_t equal_size;
partition(points_ptr, points_size, &less_size, &equal_size);
if (k < less_size) { //k lies in the less-than-pivot partition
points_size = less_size;
} else if (k < less_size + equal_size) { //k lies in the equals-to-pivot partition
return points_ptr[points_size - 1];
} else { //k lies in the greater-than-pivot partition
points_ptr += less_size;
points_size -= less_size + equal_size;
k -= less_size + equal_size;
return qselect(points_ptr, points_size, k);
结果确实是线性的,并且比 qsort()
更好(我按照@IVlad 的建议使用了 Fisher-Yates 洗牌,所以绝对 qsort()
array size qsort qselect speedup
1000 0.044678 0.008671 5.152328
5000 0.248413 0.045899 5.412160
10000 0.551095 0.096064 5.736730
20000 1.134857 0.191933 5.912773
30000 2.169177 0.278726 7.782467
我已经实现了以下快速选择算法来实现 O(n)
中值选择的复杂性(更一般地说是第 k 个最小的数字):
static size_t partition(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size, size_t pivot_idx)
const double pivot_value = points_ptr[pivot_idx]->distance;
/* Move pivot to the end. */
SWAP(points_ptr[pivot_idx], points_ptr[points_size - 1], struct point *);
/* Perform the element moving. */
size_t border_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points_size - 1; ++i) {
if (points_ptr[i]->distance < pivot_value) {
SWAP(points_ptr[border_idx], points_ptr[i], struct point *);
/* Move pivot to act as a border element. */
SWAP(points_ptr[border_idx], points_ptr[points_size - 1], struct point *);
return border_idx;
static struct point * qselect(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size, size_t k)
const size_t pivot_idx = partition(points_ptr, points_size, rand() % points_size);
if (k == pivot_idx) { //k lies on the same place as a pivot
return points_ptr[pivot_idx];
} else if (k < pivot_idx) { //k lies on the left of the pivot
//points_ptr remains the same
points_size = pivot_idx;
//k remains the same
} else { //k lies on the right of the pivot
points_ptr += pivot_idx + 1;
points_size -= pivot_idx + 1;
k -= pivot_idx + 1;
return qselect(points_ptr, points_size, k);
然后我尝试将它与 glibc 的 qsort()
和 O(nlog(n))
double wtime;
wtime = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
qsort(points_ptr, points_size, sizeof (*points_ptr), compar_rand);
wtime -= omp_get_wtime();
qsort(points_ptr, points_size, sizeof (*points_ptr), compar_distance);
wtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("qsort took %f\n", wtime);
wtime = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
qsort(points_ptr, points_size, sizeof (*points_ptr), compar_rand);
wtime -= omp_get_wtime();
qselect(points_ptr, points_size, points_size / 2);
wtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("qselect took %f\n", wtime);
对于包含 10000 个元素的数组,结果类似于 qsort took 0.280432
、qselect took 8.516676
第一个显而易见的答案是:可能 qsort 没有实现快速排序。 我阅读标准已经有一段时间了,但我认为没有任何要求 qsort() 执行快速排序。
其次:现有的 C 标准库通常经过大量优化(例如,在可用的情况下使用特殊的汇编指令)。结合现代 CPU 的复杂性能特征,这很可能导致 O(n log n) - 快速排序不是 - 算法比 O(n) 算法更快。
我的猜测是您弄乱了缓存 - valgrind / cachegrind 应该可以告诉您的事情。
感谢你们的建议,我的 quickselect 实现的问题是它展示了它的 worst-case 复杂性 O(n^2)
对于 inputs that contain many repeated elements,这就是我的情况。 Glibc 的 qsort()
(它默认使用合并排序)在这里不显示 O(n^2)
我已经修改了我的 partition()
函数来执行基本的 3 向分区,并且 median-of-three 非常适合快速选择:
/** \breif Quicksort's partition procedure.
* In linear time, partition a list into three parts: less than, greater than
* and equals to the pivot, for example input 3 2 7 4 5 1 4 1 will be
* partitioned into 3 2 1 1 | 5 7 | 4 4 4 where 4 is the pivot.
* Modified version of the median-of-three strategy is implemented, it ends with
* a median at the end of an array (this saves us one or two swaps).
static void partition(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size,
size_t *less_size, size_t *equal_size)
/* Modified median-of-three and pivot selection. */
struct point **first_ptr = points_ptr;
struct point **middle_ptr = points_ptr + (points_size / 2);
struct point **last_ptr = points_ptr + (points_size - 1);
if ((*first_ptr)->distance > (*last_ptr)->distance) {
SWAP(*first_ptr, *last_ptr, struct point *);
if ((*first_ptr)->distance > (*middle_ptr)->distance) {
SWAP(*first_ptr, *middle_ptr, struct point *);
if ((*last_ptr)->distance > (*middle_ptr)->distance) { //reversed
SWAP(*last_ptr, *middle_ptr, struct point *);
const double pivot_value = (*last_ptr)->distance;
/* Element swapping. */
size_t greater_idx = 0;
size_t equal_idx = points_size - 1;
size_t i = 0;
while (i < equal_idx) {
const double elem_value = points_ptr[i]->distance;
if (elem_value < pivot_value) {
SWAP(points_ptr[greater_idx], points_ptr[i], struct point *);
} else if (elem_value == pivot_value) {
SWAP(points_ptr[i], points_ptr[equal_idx], struct point *);
} else { //elem_value > pivot_value
*less_size = greater_idx;
*equal_size = points_size - equal_idx;
/** A selection algorithm to find the kth smallest element in an unordered list.
static struct point * qselect(struct point **points_ptr, size_t points_size,
size_t k)
size_t less_size;
size_t equal_size;
partition(points_ptr, points_size, &less_size, &equal_size);
if (k < less_size) { //k lies in the less-than-pivot partition
points_size = less_size;
} else if (k < less_size + equal_size) { //k lies in the equals-to-pivot partition
return points_ptr[points_size - 1];
} else { //k lies in the greater-than-pivot partition
points_ptr += less_size;
points_size -= less_size + equal_size;
k -= less_size + equal_size;
return qselect(points_ptr, points_size, k);
结果确实是线性的,并且比 qsort()
更好(我按照@IVlad 的建议使用了 Fisher-Yates 洗牌,所以绝对 qsort()
array size qsort qselect speedup
1000 0.044678 0.008671 5.152328
5000 0.248413 0.045899 5.412160
10000 0.551095 0.096064 5.736730
20000 1.134857 0.191933 5.912773
30000 2.169177 0.278726 7.782467