如何return common js模块中来自web服务的数据

How to return data from web service in common js module

我正在使用 Titanium Alloy 编写移动应用程序。我不明白如何编写一个 return 对象的模块。我写的版本returns "undefined"。

这是我在 index.js

    var ResArgs = require("WebData").GetItemDetails(args.barcode, args.type);
    Ti.API.info("Received data from WebGetData: " + ResArgs);

这是实际的 WebData.js 模块

exports.GetItemDetails = function(code, type) {
    var url = "http://url/" + code + "/" + type;
    var arg = null || {};
    var client = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
        // function called when the response data is available
        onload : function(e) {
            Ti.API.info("Received text from service: " + this.responseText);
            return this.responseText;
        // function called when an error occurs, including a timeout
        onerror : function(e) {
            alert('error: ' + e.error);
        timeout : 5000 // in milliseconds
    client.open("GET", url);
    // Send the request.

查看您的代码 GetItemDetails 没有 return 语句,因此 return undefined 是正确的。由于内部使用的 API 确实使用回调,因此无法以这种显式方式编写代码,而您的 GetItemDetails 方法可能需要回调作为您在 onload or/and onerror.



exports.GetItemDetails = function(code, type, _callback) {
  var url = "http://url/" + code + "/" + type;
  var arg = null || {};
  var client = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
    // function called when the response data is available
    onload : function(e) {
        Ti.API.info("Received text from service: " + this.responseText);
        _callback && _callback({success : true, data : this.responseText});
    // function called when an error occurs, including a timeout
    onerror : function(e) {
        alert('error: ' + e.error);
        _callback && _callback({success : false, error:e.error});
    timeout : 5000 // in milliseconds
  client.open("GET", url);
  // Send the request.


var ResArgs = require("WebData");
ResArgs.GetItemDetails(args.barcode, args.type, function(_response){
  if ( _response.success ) {
     Ti.API.info("Received data from WebGetData: " + _response.data);
  } else {
     Ti.API.error("ERROR from WebGetData: " + _response.error);