Mysql 连接器 C++ 无缓冲结果集 C++

Mysql Connector C++ Unbuffered ResultSet C++

我有一个 table 可以保存大量数据。 我想把所有的数据都取出来,一个一个处理。


The API for fetching result sets is identical for (simple) statements and prepared statements. If your query returns one result set, use sql::Statement::executeQuery() or sql::PreparedStatement::executeQuery() to run your query. Both methods return sql::ResultSet objects. By default, Connector/C++ buffers all result sets on the client to support cursors.

它说默认情况下它会缓冲客户端上的所有结果集。 我怎样才能禁用它?

在语句中,您可以定义结果集的类型。使用 TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY 会导致未缓冲的结果集,如 mysql release notes:


... Implemented getResultSetType() and setResultSetType() for Statement. Uses TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, which means unbuffered result set and TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, which means buffered result set.
