
Color extraction, quantification and analysis from image in R

我愿意quantifying colors in an image。 我研究珍珠母(珍珠母)的虹彩,我想在这个 shell 上量化三种颜色(红色、黄色和绿色)(例如右边图片在上面 link 上)。

Iridescence of nacre


嗯,我想在R上做颜色量化,用圆圈。以像素为单位的图元面积可以表示为等效表面积的圆的面积。图元是具有相似颜色的相邻像素的连续区域。圆心可以是锚点像素。 所以,有一个方程式,我认为这样做是可以的:

DeltaI = square root[(Ranchor - Ri)² - (Ganchor - Gi)² - (Banchor - Bi)²]


有一张图片link到期望结果(来自Alçiçek & Balaban 2012):

Shrimp resulting equivalent circles


nacre <-  readPNG("test.png")


# show the full RGB image

# show the 3 channels in separate images
nacre.R = nacre
nacre.G = nacre
nacre.B = nacre

# zero out the non-contributing channels for each image copy
nacre.R[,,2:3] = 0

# build the image grid
img1 = rasterGrob(nacre.R)
img2 = rasterGrob(nacre.G)
img3 = rasterGrob(nacre.B)
grid.arrange(img1, img2, img3, nrow=1)
# Now let’s segment this image. First, we need to reshape the array into a data frame with one row for each pixel and three columns for the RGB channels:

# reshape image into a data frame
df = data.frame(
red = matrix(nacre[,,1], ncol=1),
green = matrix(nacre[,,2], ncol=1),
blue = matrix(nacre[,,3], ncol=1)

### compute the k-means clustering
K = kmeans(df,4)
df$label = K$cluster

### Replace the color of each pixel in the image with the mean 
### R,G, and B values of the cluster in which the pixel resides:

# get the coloring
colors = data.frame(
  label = 1:nrow(K$centers), 
  R = K$centers[,"red"],
  G = K$centers[,"green"],
  B = K$centers[,"blue"]

# merge color codes on to df
df$order = 1:nrow(df)
df = merge(df, colors)
df = df[order(df$order),]
df$order = NULL

# get mean color channel values for each row of the df.
R = matrix(df$R, nrow=dim(nacre)[1])
G = matrix(df$G, nrow=dim(nacre)[1])
B = matrix(df$B, nrow=dim(nacre)[1])

# reconstitute the segmented image in the same shape as the input image
nacre.segmented = array(dim=dim(nacre))
nacre.segmented[,,1] = R
nacre.segmented[,,2] = G
nacre.segmented[,,3] = B

# View the result

有人有曲目或任何想法吗? 感谢您的帮助..


  • 我用 load.imageimager 包上传我的图片。
  • 我用这段代码提取 RGB 通道:

    # Assign RGB channels to data frame
    nacreRGB <- data.frame(
    x = rep(1:nacreDm[2], each = nacreDm[1]),
    y = rep(nacreDm[1]:1, nacreDm[2]),
    R = as.vector(nacre[,,1]),
    G = as.vector(nacre[,,2]),
    B = as.vector(nacre[,,3])
    # head(nacreRGB)
    # Assign RGB channels to data frame without pixel coordinates
    nacreRGB2 <- data.frame(
    R = as.vector(nacre[,,1]),
    G = as.vector(nacre[,,2]),
    B = as.vector(nacre[,,3])
  • 在我用 rgbSVG2rgbCSS 函数将其转换为十六进制代码后。

  • 我将其放入一个矩阵中,我称之为 RGB0 以创建直方图并显示不同颜色的像素频率。
  • 在我执行 PCA 以显示这些颜色的分布后:

    RGB0 <- as.data.frame(RGB0)
    # perform PCA on the nacre data and add the uv coordinates to the 
    PCA = prcomp(RGB0[,c("R","G","B")], center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
    RGB0$u = PCA$x[,1]
    RGB0$v = PCA$x[,2]
  • 我用 ggplot2 显示这个 PCA。
  • 在此之后,我使用 rgb2hsv 将 RGB 代码转换为 HSV 代码,我可以获得色调值、饱和度(色调到白色)和值(色调到暗),这样我就可以获得关于颜色的质量和数量数据。

编辑:所有代码现在都发布到 ImaginR 包中的 CRAN 中: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ImaginR/ImaginR.pdf

或在 GitHub 上: https://github.com/PLStenger/ImaginR
