在 Susy 画廊中,我需要将第一个元素跨越前两个画廊列

In a Susy gallery I need to span the first element across the first two gallery columns

Another very similar question 已被询问。


$deskcol : 12;

.colSixth {
  @include gallery(2 of $deskcol);

.colSixth.strap {

<div class="colSixth strap">
   content should span two Sixths
<article class="colSixth">
    content spans one sixth
<article class="colSixth">
    content spans one sixth
<article class="colSixth">
    content spans one sixth
<article class="colSixth">
    content spans one sixth

有没有办法将 gallery 函数偏移两个?我试过隔离它。我在 .strap 元素上添加了额外的填充,但它会将画廊的第一行推出页面。甚至尝试了各种风格的 &:first-child 选择器。

我从来没有真正用各种 Susy 画廊偏移规则解决这个问题。相反,我求助于将每对 <article> 元素包装在 .colThird 中,并将两个 .colSixth 元素嵌套在其中。

.colThird {
   @include gallery(4 of $deskcol);

.colSixth {
   @include span(2 of 4);
   &:last-child {
    @include omega;

<div class="colThird">
   <div class="colSixth strap">
      content should span two Sixths

<div class="colThird">
   <article class="colSixth">
       content spans one sixth
   <article class="colSixth">
       content spans one sixth

是否只希望第一项跨越两列?在这种情况下,您可能不想使用 gallery 函数(改用 span)。



.colSixth {
  @iinclude span(2 of 12 inside); 

  &:first-child {
    @include span(4 of 12 inside); 
