Eclipse 忽略的资源仍显示为已更改,如何停止此行为?

Eclipse ignored resource are still showing as changed, how do I stop this behavior?

我有一个提交到 SVN 存储库的 Java 项目。我在 Eclipse Luna 中使用 Subclipse 插件。 .project 文件最初已提交,但我们不想提交对 eclipse 所做的 .project 文件的任何更新。我在忽略的资源中添加了一个 .project 条目,但是 .project 文件仍然显示为更改,例如,当我重命名项目文件夹时,或者执行任何其他可能导致 Eclipse 更改该文件的操作时。我看到顶级文件夹的不同步星号(当然项目资源管理器中未显示 .project 文件),但 .project 文件确实出现在同步 window 和提交对话框中。这里的问题是什么?我怎样才能让 Eclipse 真正忽略对此文件的更改?

SVN 与大多数版本控制系统一样,不允许您忽略存储库中已有的文件。引用本书(强调已添加):

Subversion's support for ignorable file patterns extends only to the one-time process of adding unversioned files and directories to version control. Once an object is under Subversion's control, the ignore pattern mechanisms no longer apply to it. In other words, don't expect Subversion to avoid committing changes you've made to a versioned file simply because that file's name matches an ignore pattern—Subversion always notices all of its versioned objects.