传给#keyPath()的非字符串"property name"能独立保存吗?

Can the non-string "property name" passed to #keyPath() be saved independently?

我很高兴找到 Swift 3 对 #keyPath() 的实现,这将消除拼写错误并在编译时强制执行关键路径确实存在。比手动输入字符串好多了。


class MyObject {
    @objc var myString: String = "default"

// Works great
let keyPathString = #keyPath(MyObject.myString)

Swift docs list the type 作为 "property name" 传递到 #keyPath()

The property name must be a reference to a property that is available in the Objective-C runtime. At compile time, the key-path expression is replaced by a string literal.

是否可以单独保存这个 "property name",然后传递给 #keyPath() 创建一个字符串?

let propertyName = MyObject.myString // error. How do I save?
let string = #keyPath(propertyName)

是否支持要求 属性 名称属于特定类型?

// something like this
let typedPropertyName: MyObject.PropertyName = myString // error
let string = #keyPath(typedPropertyName)

最终目标是与需要 NSExpression 作为关键路径的 API 进行交互。我想编写将有效的 属性 名称作为参数而不是随机键路径字符串的便捷方法。理想情况下,属性 名称由特定类型实现。

func doSomethingForSpecificTypeProperty(_ propertyName: MyObject.PropertyName) {

    let keyPathString = #keyPath(propertyName)

    let expression = NSExpression(forKeyPath: keyPathString)

    // ...



///   expr-keypath:
///     '#keyPath' '(' unqualified-name ('.' unqualified-name) * ')'
ParserResult<Expr> Parser::parseExprKeyPath() {
  // Consume '#keyPath'.
  SourceLoc keywordLoc = consumeToken(tok::pound_keyPath);

  // Parse the leading '('.
  if (!Tok.is(tok::l_paren)) {
    diagnose(Tok, diag::expr_keypath_expected_lparen);
    return makeParserError();
  SourceLoc lParenLoc = consumeToken(tok::l_paren);

  // Handle code completion.
  SmallVector<Identifier, 4> names;
  SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> nameLocs;
  auto handleCodeCompletion = [&](bool hasDot) -> ParserResult<Expr> {
    ObjCKeyPathExpr *expr = nullptr;
    if (!names.empty()) {
      expr = ObjCKeyPathExpr::create(Context, keywordLoc, lParenLoc, names,
                                     nameLocs, Tok.getLoc());

    if (CodeCompletion)
      CodeCompletion->completeExprKeyPath(expr, hasDot);

    // Eat the code completion token because we handled it.
    return makeParserCodeCompletionResult(expr);

  // Parse the sequence of unqualified-names.
  ParserStatus status;
  while (true) {
    // Handle code completion.
    if (Tok.is(tok::code_complete))
      return handleCodeCompletion(!names.empty());

    // Parse the next name.
    DeclNameLoc nameLoc;
    bool afterDot = !names.empty();
    auto name = parseUnqualifiedDeclName(
                  afterDot, nameLoc, 
    if (!name) {

    // Cannot use compound names here.
    if (name.isCompoundName()) {
      diagnose(nameLoc.getBaseNameLoc(), diag::expr_keypath_compound_name,
        .fixItReplace(nameLoc.getSourceRange(), name.getBaseName().str());

    // Record the name we parsed.

    // Handle code completion.
    if (Tok.is(tok::code_complete))
      return handleCodeCompletion(false);

    // Parse the next period to continue the path.
    if (consumeIf(tok::period))


  // Parse the closing ')'.
  SourceLoc rParenLoc;
  if (status.isError()) {
    if (Tok.is(tok::r_paren))
      rParenLoc = consumeToken();
      rParenLoc = PreviousLoc;
  } else {
    parseMatchingToken(tok::r_paren, rParenLoc,
                       diag::expr_keypath_expected_rparen, lParenLoc);

  // If we cannot build a useful expression, just return an error
  // expression.
  if (names.empty() || status.isError()) {
    return makeParserResult<Expr>(
             new (Context) ErrorExpr(SourceRange(keywordLoc, rParenLoc)));

  // We're done: create the key-path expression.
  return makeParserResult<Expr>(
           ObjCKeyPathExpr::create(Context, keywordLoc, lParenLoc, names,
                                   nameLocs, rParenLoc));

此代码首先在括号内创建 period-separated 个名称的列表,然后尝试将它们解析为表达式。它接受表达式而不是任何 Swift 类型的数据;它接受 code,而不是 data

刚刚提出类似问题并找到 this article。您可以使用 KeyPath 泛型用于这些目的

swift4 中的短代码如下所示:

let getName = \Person.name
print(p[keyPath: getName])

// or just this:
print(p[keyPath: \Person.name])