从模板库覆盖纯虚函数 Class

Overriding Pure Virtual Functions from a Template Base Class


为了我的作业,我的教授给了我这个 bagADT class 模板,里面有纯虚函数。

#ifndef BAGADT_H
#define BAGADT_H

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "book.h"

template <typename E>
class Bag {
    Bag() {}            // base constructor
    virtual ~Bag() {}   // base destructor
// Insert a new item into the bag -- return false if fails and true if
// successful
virtual bool addItem(const E& item) = 0;

// Looks for 'item' in the bag and if found updates 'item' with the 
// bag value and returns true.  Otherwise 'item' is left unchanged
// and the method returns false.
virtual bool remove(E& item) = 0;

// Removes the top record from the bag, puts it in returnValue, and
// returns true if the bag is not empty.  If the bag is empty the 
// function returns false and returnValue remains unchanged.
virtual bool removeTop(E& returnValue) = 0;

// Finds the record using returnValue and if the record is found updates
// returnValue based on the contents of the bag and returns true.  If the
// record is not found the function returns false.  Works just like remove()
// except that the found record is not removed from the bag.
virtual bool find(E& returnValue) const = 0;

// Inspect the top of the bag.  If the bag is empty return
// false and leave 'item' unchanged; otherwise, return true and update 
// 'item' with the contents of the bag.
virtual bool inspectTop(E& item) const = 0;

// empties the bag
virtual void emptyBag() = 0;

// use the += operator to add an item to the bag
virtual bool operator+=(const E& addend) = 0;

// get the size of the bag
virtual int size() const = 0;

// get the capacity of the bag
virtual int bagCapacity() const = 0;

#endif  /* BAGADT_H */

鉴于此,我创建了一个继承的 ABag class。

#pragma once
#include "bagADT.h"

#ifndef ABAG_H
#define ABAG_H

template <typename E>
class ABag : public Bag<E>
    ABag(int size = 10)
        maxSize = size;
        top = 0;
        listArray = new E[size];
     virtual ~ABag()
        delete[] listArray;

    template <typename E>
    bool addItem(const E& item)
        if (top < maxSize)
            listArray[top] = item;
            return true;
            return false;


    // Looks for 'item' in the bag and if found updates 'item' with the 
    // bag value and returns true.  Otherwise 'item' is left unchanged
    // and the method returns false.
    //template <typename E>
    bool remove(E& item)
        for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++)
            if (listArray[i] == item)
                for (int j = i + 1; j <= top; j++)
                    listArray[i] = listArray[j];
                return true;
        return false;

    // Removes the top record from the bag, puts it in returnValue, and
    // returns true if the bag is not empty.  If the bag is empty the 
    // function returns false and returnValue remains unchanged.
    //template <typename E>
    bool removeTop(E& returnValue)
        if (top > 0)
            returnValue = listArray[top--];


    // Finds the record using returnValue and if the record is found updates
    // returnValue based on the contents of the bag and returns true.  If the
    // record is not found the function returns false.  Works just like remove()
    // except that the found record is not removed from the bag.
    //template <typename E>
    bool find(E& returnValue)


    // Inspect the top of the bag.  If the bag is empty return
    // false and leave 'item' unchanged; otherwise, return true and update 
    // 'item' with the contents of the bag.
    //template <typename E>
    bool inspectTop(E& item)
        if (top != 0)
            item = listArray[top];
            return true;
            return false;

    // empties the bag
    //template <typename E>
    void emptyBag()
        top = 0;

    // use the += operator to add an item to the bag
    //template <typename E>
    bool operator+=(const E& addEnd)


    // get the size of the bag
    //template <typename E>
    int size()
        return top;

    // get the capacity of the bag
    //template <typename E>
    int bagCapacity()
        return maxSize;

    int maxSize;
    int top;
    E *listArray;

/*template <typename E>
    int size = 10
    maxSize = size;
    top = 0;
    listArray = new E[size];

template <typename E>
    delete [] listArray;

这是我的 source.cpp 尝试从 class 实例化一个对象。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "ABag.h"
#include "BDictionary.h"

using namespace std;

int main(){
    ABag<int> myBag;

    cout << myBag.bagCapacity();

    return 0;


error C2259: 'ABag<int>' : cannot instantiate abstract class

我在一个又一个的堆栈交换、教科书和论坛中跋涉,试图弄清楚为什么这行不通。我明白错误是什么。我知道你不能从抽象 class 中创建对象。但是我已经尝试了十几种不同的方法来尝试覆盖基础 class 中的纯虚函数,但我做不到。有一个 IntelliSense 错误告诉我每个纯虚函数都没有覆盖。



template <typename E>
bool addItem(const E& item)
    if (top < maxSize)
        listArray[top] = item;
        return true;
        return false;


你看,抽象classC的任何子classD都被认为是抽象本身,除非D绝对实现了所有纯虚方法C 个。 Bag<E>addItem() 是一个带有签名 bool Bag<E>::addItem( const E& ) 的纯虚函数。另一方面,ABag<E>addItem() 是一个函数 template,它采用名为 E 的类型模板参数,它隐藏了另一个 EABag<E>。一旦实例化,它将产生签名函数bool ABag<E1>::addItem<E2>( const E2& ).

这里重要的一点是函数模板与函数不同。您可以 将函数模板实例化 为函数,但这两个概念本身是不兼容的。 ABag<E> 中的函数模板未实现 Bag<E> 中的相应纯虚函数,因为它们的签名本质上是不兼容的。当您不匹配 constness 时也会发生这种情况。签名为 void foo( int ) 的函数 void foo( int ) const 兼容。前者根本不会 override/implement 后者在任何情况下都不会。