运行 本地针对远程门户服务器的 xmlaccess 命令
Run xmlaccess command locally against remote portal server
我正在尝试从我的计算机 运行 xmlaccess,而 websphere 门户服务器安装在通过 lan 与我的计算机连接的不同机器上。我完成了在我的计算机上添加 jar 文件的所有配置,然后 运行 使用所需参数使用 xmlaccess 命令。但我一直提供相同的输出,但没有创建输出 file.I 已复制 ibm 知识中心提供的所有 jar 文件。
这是我给出的命令和我每次得到的输出,当 运行在安装了 websphere 的机器上执行相同的命令时,它会创建输出文件并且工作正常
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\deployment>xmlaccess -in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\deploymen
t\ExportAllPortlets.xml -url -out Exporte
dWebModules.xml -user ****** -password ******
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, 5724-E76, 5724-E77, 5724-I29 and 5655-Y16,
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2014 - All Rights reserved. US Government Users R
estricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
EJPXB0001I: Command line parameters:
-in <xml input file>
[-user <user name>]
Will be queried over the console, if omitted
[-password <password>]
Will be queried over the console, if omitted
[-useEncryptedCredentials <file>]
Retrieve user name and password from properties file. Update fil
e with encrypted password.
Do not save encrypted password back to properties file.
[-out <output file>]
default: write to stdout
[-url <portal config URL>]
default: http://localhost/wps/config
[-attempts <max. connection attempts>]
default: 1 attempt, no retries
[-truststore <file name of the trust store for HTTPS>]
default: $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
[-trustpwd <password for the trust store for HTTPS>]
default: <empty>
[-trusttype <file type of the trust store for HTTPS>]
default: jks
[-keystore <file name of the key store for HTTPS>]
default: $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
[-keypwd <password for the key store for HTTPS>]
default: <empty>
[-keytype <file type of the key store for HTTPS>]
default: jks
enables export and import of credential secrets
[-protocol <protocol>]
selects the protocol (if portal config URL
specified https:, otherwise this parameter is ignored).
default: SSL
[-encryptionPassphrase <passphrase>]
passphrase for credential encryption and decryption
尝试将其放在非虚拟化目录中,例如 c:\xmlaccess 而不是桌面。
在该目录中创建一个名为 plugins 的文件夹
bootstrap.jar, com.ibm.ffdc.jar, com.ibm.ws.emf.jar, com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar, j2ee.jar, org.eclipse.emf.common.jar, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar, wp.base.jar, wp.engine.impl.jar、wp.utilities.streams.jar、wp.xml.client.jar
我用的是 1.8 jdk
然后像这样设置你的 bat 文件
@echo off
set WAS_HOME=C:\xmlacess\plugins
set cpath=%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\bootstrap.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ws.emf.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\org.eclipse.emf.common.jar
%JAVA% -classpath c:\xmlaccess\plugins\wp.xml.client.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.base.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.engine.impl.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.utilities.streams.jar;%WAS_HOME%\j2ee.jar;%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ffdc.jar;%cpath% com.ibm.wps.xmlaccess.XmlAccess %*
我正在尝试从我的计算机 运行 xmlaccess,而 websphere 门户服务器安装在通过 lan 与我的计算机连接的不同机器上。我完成了在我的计算机上添加 jar 文件的所有配置,然后 运行 使用所需参数使用 xmlaccess 命令。但我一直提供相同的输出,但没有创建输出 file.I 已复制 ibm 知识中心提供的所有 jar 文件。
这是我给出的命令和我每次得到的输出,当 运行在安装了 websphere 的机器上执行相同的命令时,它会创建输出文件并且工作正常
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\deployment>xmlaccess -in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\deploymen
t\ExportAllPortlets.xml -url -out Exporte
dWebModules.xml -user ****** -password ******
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, 5724-E76, 5724-E77, 5724-I29 and 5655-Y16,
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2014 - All Rights reserved. US Government Users R
estricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
EJPXB0001I: Command line parameters:
-in <xml input file>
[-user <user name>]
Will be queried over the console, if omitted
[-password <password>]
Will be queried over the console, if omitted
[-useEncryptedCredentials <file>]
Retrieve user name and password from properties file. Update fil
e with encrypted password.
Do not save encrypted password back to properties file.
[-out <output file>]
default: write to stdout
[-url <portal config URL>]
default: http://localhost/wps/config
[-attempts <max. connection attempts>]
default: 1 attempt, no retries
[-truststore <file name of the trust store for HTTPS>]
default: $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
[-trustpwd <password for the trust store for HTTPS>]
default: <empty>
[-trusttype <file type of the trust store for HTTPS>]
default: jks
[-keystore <file name of the key store for HTTPS>]
default: $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
[-keypwd <password for the key store for HTTPS>]
default: <empty>
[-keytype <file type of the key store for HTTPS>]
default: jks
enables export and import of credential secrets
[-protocol <protocol>]
selects the protocol (if portal config URL
specified https:, otherwise this parameter is ignored).
default: SSL
[-encryptionPassphrase <passphrase>]
passphrase for credential encryption and decryption
尝试将其放在非虚拟化目录中,例如 c:\xmlaccess 而不是桌面。
在该目录中创建一个名为 plugins 的文件夹 请把这些罐子放在那里 bootstrap.jar, com.ibm.ffdc.jar, com.ibm.ws.emf.jar, com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar, j2ee.jar, org.eclipse.emf.common.jar, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar, wp.base.jar, wp.engine.impl.jar、wp.utilities.streams.jar、wp.xml.client.jar
我用的是 1.8 jdk 然后像这样设置你的 bat 文件
@echo off
set WAS_HOME=C:\xmlacess\plugins
set cpath=%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\bootstrap.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ws.emf.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar
set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\org.eclipse.emf.common.jar
%JAVA% -classpath c:\xmlaccess\plugins\wp.xml.client.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.base.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.engine.impl.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.utilities.streams.jar;%WAS_HOME%\j2ee.jar;%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ffdc.jar;%cpath% com.ibm.wps.xmlaccess.XmlAccess %*