mbed 以太网接口不工作

mbed ethernet interface not working

我有一个 NXP FRDM-K64F 板,我想设置以太网示例,但我无法让它工作。这是设置静态 IP 地址后我的代码的样子。

#include "mbed.h"
#include "main-hw.h"
#include "EthernetInterface.h"

// Network interface
EthernetInterface net;

int main(void)
    // Bring up the ethernet interface
    printf("Ethernet socket example\r\n");

    int ret;
    ret = net.set_network("","","");
    printf("Set Net: %d\r\n",ret);

    char macadd[6];
    printf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x \r\n", macadd[0], macadd[1], macadd[2], macadd[3], macadd[4], macadd[5]); 

    const char *mac = net.get_mac_address();
    printf("MAC address is: %s\r\n", mac ? mac : "No MAC");

    const char *ip = net.get_ip_address();
    printf("IP address is: %s\r\n", ip ? ip : "No IP");

    ret = net.connect();
    printf("Connect: %d\n",ret);

    // Show the network address
   // const char *ip = net.get_ip_address();
   // printf("IP address is: %s\n", ip ? ip : "No IP");

    // Open a socket on the network interface, and create a TCP connection to mbed.org
    TCPSocket socket;
    socket.connect("developer.mbed.org", 80);

    // Send a simple http request
    char sbuffer[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: developer.mbed.org\r\n\r\n";
    int scount = socket.send(sbuffer, sizeof sbuffer);
    printf("sent %d [%.*s]\n", scount, strstr(sbuffer, "\r\n")-sbuffer, sbuffer);

    // Recieve a simple http response and print out the response line
    char rbuffer[64];
    int rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, sizeof rbuffer);
    printf("recv %d [%.*s]\n", rcount, strstr(rbuffer, "\r\n")-rbuffer, rbuffer);

    // Close the socket to return its memory and bring down the network interface

    // Bring down the ethernet interface

    return 0;

我看到的是我只能使用 mbed_mac_address 命令获取 macAddress。使用 net.get_mac_address 和 net.get_ip_address 我只得到 NULL 值。

进程进行到 net.connect,我看不到更多结果。


使用 mbed OS 5.3.4 这对我来说在 K64F 上运行良好:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "EthernetInterface.h"

// Network interface
EthernetInterface net;

// Socket demo
int main() {
    // Set static IP
    net.set_network("", "", "");

    // Bring up the ethernet interface
    printf("Ethernet socket example\n");

    // Show the network address
    const char *ip = net.get_ip_address();
    printf("IP address is: %s\n", ip ? ip : "No IP");

    printf("MAC address is: %s\n", net.get_mac_address());

    // Open a socket on the network interface, and create a TCP connection to mbed.org
    TCPSocket socket;
    socket.connect("developer.mbed.org", 80);

    // Send a simple http request
    char sbuffer[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: developer.mbed.org\r\n\r\n";
    int scount = socket.send(sbuffer, sizeof sbuffer);
    printf("sent %d [%.*s]\n", scount, strstr(sbuffer, "\r\n")-sbuffer, sbuffer);

    // Recieve a simple http response and print out the response line
    char rbuffer[64];
    int rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, sizeof rbuffer);
    printf("recv %d [%.*s]\n", rcount, strstr(rbuffer, "\r\n")-rbuffer, rbuffer);

    // Close the socket to return its memory and bring down the network interface

    // Bring down the ethernet interface

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如果您有 mbed-os,请右键单击该库并 select 'Upgrade'。

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$ mbed remove mbed
$ mbed add mbed-os

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$ cd mbed-os
$ git pull
$ git checkout latest