为什么我的 lisp 函数返回 'NIL'
Why is my lisp function returning 'NIL'
我正在编写一个 lisp 函数,它将在不使用 'reverse' 函数的情况下确定一个单词是否为回文。我是 lisp 的新手,我仍在努力掌握这个概念。每次我测试回文时,该函数都会返回 NIL
(defun palindromep (list)
((null list)t)
(and (equal (first list) (first (rest list)))
(palindromep (butlast (rest list)))))))
(defun palindromep (list)
((null list)t)
(and (equal (first list) (first(last list)))
(palindromep (butlast(rest list)))))))
对于一个元素列表,您需要 return t
。 IE。 (null (cdr list))
(defun palindromep (list)
(labels ((aux (history tortoise hare)
(cond ((null hare) (equal tortoise history))
((null (cdr hare)) (equal (cdr tortoise) history))
(t (aux (cons (car tortoise) history)
(cdr tortoise)
(cddr hare))))))
(aux '() list list)))
它的工作原理是有一个额外的游标 hare
,它迭代距离是 tortoise
的两倍,同时看到的元素累积在 history
中。由于 cons
编辑 2
(defun aux (history tortoise hare)
(cond ((null hare) (equal tortoise history))
((null (cdr hare)) (equal (cdr tortoise) history))
(t (aux (cons (car tortoise) history)
(cdr tortoise)
(cddr hare)))))
(defun palindromep (list)
;; just calls helper
(aux '() list list))
;; trace the helper
(trace aux)
(trace equal) ; you might need to follow instructions to unlock
(palindromep '(1 2 3 3 2 1))
0: (AUX NIL (1 2 3 3 2 1) (1 2 3 3 2 1))
1: (AUX (1) (2 3 3 2 1) (3 3 2 1))
2: (AUX (2 1) (3 3 2 1) (2 1))
3: (AUX (3 2 1) (3 2 1) NIL)
4: (EQUAL (3 2 1) (3 2 1))
4: EQUAL returned T
3: AUX returned T
2: AUX returned T
1: AUX returned T
0: AUX returned T
==> T
(palindromep '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
0: (AUX NIL (1 2 3 4 5 6) (1 2 3 4 5 6))
1: (AUX (1) (2 3 4 5 6) (3 4 5 6))
2: (AUX (2 1) (3 4 5 6) (5 6))
3: (AUX (3 2 1) (4 5 6) NIL)
4: (EQUAL (4 5 6) (3 2 1))
4: EQUAL returned NIL
3: AUX returned NIL
2: AUX returned NIL
1: AUX returned NIL
0: AUX returned NIL
==> NIL
我正在编写一个 lisp 函数,它将在不使用 'reverse' 函数的情况下确定一个单词是否为回文。我是 lisp 的新手,我仍在努力掌握这个概念。每次我测试回文时,该函数都会返回 NIL
(defun palindromep (list)
((null list)t)
(and (equal (first list) (first (rest list)))
(palindromep (butlast (rest list)))))))
(defun palindromep (list)
((null list)t)
(and (equal (first list) (first(last list)))
(palindromep (butlast(rest list)))))))
对于一个元素列表,您需要 return t
。 IE。 (null (cdr list))
(defun palindromep (list)
(labels ((aux (history tortoise hare)
(cond ((null hare) (equal tortoise history))
((null (cdr hare)) (equal (cdr tortoise) history))
(t (aux (cons (car tortoise) history)
(cdr tortoise)
(cddr hare))))))
(aux '() list list)))
它的工作原理是有一个额外的游标 hare
,它迭代距离是 tortoise
的两倍,同时看到的元素累积在 history
中。由于 cons
编辑 2
(defun aux (history tortoise hare)
(cond ((null hare) (equal tortoise history))
((null (cdr hare)) (equal (cdr tortoise) history))
(t (aux (cons (car tortoise) history)
(cdr tortoise)
(cddr hare)))))
(defun palindromep (list)
;; just calls helper
(aux '() list list))
;; trace the helper
(trace aux)
(trace equal) ; you might need to follow instructions to unlock
(palindromep '(1 2 3 3 2 1))
0: (AUX NIL (1 2 3 3 2 1) (1 2 3 3 2 1))
1: (AUX (1) (2 3 3 2 1) (3 3 2 1))
2: (AUX (2 1) (3 3 2 1) (2 1))
3: (AUX (3 2 1) (3 2 1) NIL)
4: (EQUAL (3 2 1) (3 2 1))
4: EQUAL returned T
3: AUX returned T
2: AUX returned T
1: AUX returned T
0: AUX returned T
==> T
(palindromep '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
0: (AUX NIL (1 2 3 4 5 6) (1 2 3 4 5 6))
1: (AUX (1) (2 3 4 5 6) (3 4 5 6))
2: (AUX (2 1) (3 4 5 6) (5 6))
3: (AUX (3 2 1) (4 5 6) NIL)
4: (EQUAL (4 5 6) (3 2 1))
4: EQUAL returned NIL
3: AUX returned NIL
2: AUX returned NIL
1: AUX returned NIL
0: AUX returned NIL
==> NIL