从 OpenFL 中的 PS3 控制器输入?

Input from PS3 controller in OpenFL?

这是我目前使用的代码。 (不是我自己的)。它检测控制器何时插入,并输出一些相关信息。我想不通的是如何访问按钮数据。尽管它成功识别出我已插入 PS3 控制器,但按钮的值在查询时似乎没有改变。


import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.events.GameInputEvent;
import openfl.ui.GameInputControl;
import openfl.ui.GameInputDevice;
import openfl.ui.GameInput;
import openfl.events.Event;

class Main extends Sprite {

    private var gameInput:GameInput;

    public function new(){
        gameInput = new GameInput();
        gameInput.addEventListener(GameInputEvent.DEVICE_ADDED, controllerAdded);
        gameInput.addEventListener(GameInputEvent.DEVICE_REMOVED, controllerRemoved);
        gameInput.addEventListener(GameInputEvent.DEVICE_UNUSABLE, controllerProblem);

    function controllerAdded(e:GameInputEvent){
        //put code here to handle when a device is added

        trace("GameInput.numDevices: "+GameInput.numDevices);//tells you how many gamepads are plugged in
        var myDevice = GameInput.getDeviceAt(0);//1st gamepad is "0" - more gamepads would be "1", "2", "3", etc.
        trace("myDevice.numControls: "+myDevice.numControls); //tells you how many inputs/controls the device has
        myDevice.enabled = true; //enables the device

        var cont = myDevice.getControlAt(12);//input reference (AXIS STICK, BUTTON, TRIGGER, etc) "0" is the 1st input
        trace("id: "+cont.id);//the name of this control. Ex: "AXIS_0"
        trace("value: " + cont.value); //value of this control - Axis: -1 to 1, Button: 0 OR 1, Trigger: 0 to 1
        trace("cont: " + cont.device.name); //the name of the device. ie: "XBOX 360 Controller"
        trace("device: " + cont.device);
        trace("minValue: " + cont.minValue);//the minimum possible value for the control/input
        trace("maxValue: " + cont.maxValue);//the maximum possible value for the control/input

    function controllerRemoved(e:GameInputEvent){
        trace('BLAH BLAH BLAH');

    function controllerProblem(e:GameInputEvent){
        //put code here to handle when there is a problem with the controller
        trace("controller problem");


这是获取控制器输入所需的最少代码量。它适用于我可用的所有控制器(Xbox 360、Xbox One 和 Logitech 控制器):

import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.ui.GameInput;
import openfl.ui.GameInputDevice;
import openfl.events.Event;
import openfl.events.GameInputEvent;

class Main extends Sprite {
    public function new() {
        var gameInput = new GameInput();
        var device:GameInputDevice;
        gameInput.addEventListener(GameInputEvent.DEVICE_ADDED, function(event) {
            device = event.device;
            device.enabled = true;
        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(event) {
            trace([for (i in 0...device.numControls) device.getControlAt(i).value]);

这看起来与您尝试的非常相似,所以我想这很可能是驱动程序问题,而不是您的代码问题。注:我使用OpenFL 4.7.3和Lime 3.7.2进行测试。

我自己没有 PS3 控制器,但据称它们很难在 PC 上工作。 ScpToolkit 经常被推荐并且似乎很受欢迎。

顺便说一句,openfl-samples 也有一个 GamepadInput 示例,您可以试一试。