Jenkins - 通过 CIFS 插件发布不传输名称中包含空格的文件夹中的文件

Jenkins - Publish Over CIFS Plugin not transfering files which exist in folders with spaces in the name

我正在尝试使用 Publish over CIFS 插件将文件从我的 Jenkins 工作区传输运行到网络位置。

通常,这很好用,但我 运行 遇到了问题。

当我尝试复制存在于包含空格的文件夹中的文件时,该插件将不会在 t运行sfer 中提取文件,而只是报告 "CIFS: Transferred 0 file(s)"

Jenkins 工作区中的示例文件和位置是...

reports/SingleReportDeployment/Operations Reports/install.sql

通常,我通过逗号分隔列表将多个文件作为构建参数插入到插件的 "Source files" 属性 中,但当涉及到文件夹名称中的空格时,它根本不拿起文件。



在“传输”部分下,选择“高级...”并将模式分隔符从 [ ]+ 更改为逗号,


Pattern separator

The regular expression that is used to separate the Source files and Exclude files patterns. The Source files and Exclude files both accept multiple patterns that by default are split using [,]+ (any number of consecutive commas or spaces) which is how Ant, by default, handles multiple patterns in a single string.

The above expression makes it difficult to reference files or directories that contain spaces. This option allows the expression to be set to something that will preserve the spaces in a pattern eg. a single comma.