WordNet lexicographer 文件究竟是什么?了解 WordNet 的工作原理

What exactly are WordNet lexicographer files? Understanding how WordNet works

我正在尝试了解WordNet的文件格式,主要文档是WNDB and WNINPUT。据我了解,在 WNDB 中,有名为 index.somethingdata.something 的文件,其中 something 可以是 noun, adv, vrb, adj.

所以,如果我想了解 dog 这个词作为 noun,我会查看 index.noun,搜索 dog 这个词,这给了我一行:

dog n 7 5 @ ~ #m #p %p 7 1 02086723 10133978 10042764 09905672 07692347 03907626 02712903  

根据 WNDB 文档,此行代表这些数据:

lemma  pos  synset_cnt  p_cnt  [ptr_symbol...]  sense_cnt  tagsense_cnt   synset_offset  [synset_offset...] 

其中 lemma 是单词,pos 是告诉它是名词的标识符,synset_cnt 告诉我们这个单词包含在多少同义词集中,p_cnt告诉我们有多少指向这些同义词集的指针,[ptr_symbol] 是一个指针数组,sense_cnttagsense_cnt 我不明白,希望得到解释,而 synset_offset是要在 data.noun 文件


好的,所以我知道这些指针指向某物,这是它们的描述,如 WNINPUT 中所写:

@    Hypernym 
 ~    Hyponym 
#m    Member holonym 
#p    Part holonym 
%p    Part meronym 


其他重要数据是 synset_offset,它们是:

02086723 10133978 10042764 09905672 07692347 03907626 02712903  


02086723 05 n 03 dog 0 domestic_dog 0 Canis_familiaris 0 023 @ 02085998 n 0000 @ 01320032 n 0000 #m 02086515 n 0000 #m 08011383 n 0000 ~ 01325095 n 0000 ~ 02087384 n 0000 ~ 02087513 n 0000 ~ 02087924 n 0000 ~ 02088026 n 0000 ~ 02089774 n 0000 ~ 02106058 n 0000 ~ 02112993 n 0000 ~ 02113458 n 0000 ~ 02113610 n 0000 ~ 02113781 n 0000 ~ 02113929 n 0000 ~ 02114152 n 0000 ~ 02114278 n 0000 ~ 02115149 n 0000 ~ 02115478 n 0000 ~ 02115987 n 0000 ~ 02116630 n 0000 %p 02161498 n 0000 | a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night" 

如您所见,我们找到了以 02086723 开头的行。这一行的内容在WNDB中被描述为:

synset_offset  lex_filenum  ss_type  w_cnt  word  lex_id  [word  lex_id...]  p_cnt  [ptr...]  [frames...]  |   gloss 

synset_offset 我们已经知道了,


ss_typen 这告诉我们它是一个名词,

w_cnt:两位十六进制整数,表示同义词集中的单词数,在本例中为 03,这意味着我们在这个同义词集中有 3 个词:dog 0 domestic_dog 0 Canis_familiaris 0 , 每个后跟一个数字:

lex_id:一位十六进制整数,当附加到 lemma 上时,唯一标识词典编纂者文件中的意义

p_cnt: counts the number of pointers, which in our case is `023`, so we have 23 pointers, wow


pointer_symbol  synset_offset  pos  source/target 

其中 pointer_symbol 是关于我显示的符号 (@, ~, ...),

synset_offset:是pos对应的数据文件中target synset的字节偏移

source/target:字段区分词法和语义指针。它是一个四字节字段,包含两个两位十六进制整数。前两位数字表示当前(源)同义词集中的单词编号,后两位数字表示目标同义词集中的单词编号。值 0000 表示 pointer_symbol 表示当前(源)同义词集与 synset_offset 指示的目标同义词集之间的语义关系。


@ 02085998 n 0000

它是一个带有符号 @ 的指针,表示它是一个 Hypernym,并指向 n(名词)类型的带有偏移量 02085998 的同义词集,并且 source/target0000

当我在 data.noun 中搜索时,我得到

02085998 05 n 02 canine 0 canid 0 011 @ 02077948 n 0000 #m 02085690 n 0000 + 02688440 a 0101 ~ 02086324 n 0000 ~ 02086723 n 0000 ~ 02116752 n 0000 ~ 02117748 n 0000 ~ 02117987 n 0000 ~ 02119787 n 0000 ~ 02120985 n 0000 %p 02442560 n 0000 | any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles  

这是 dogHypernym。这就是您找到同义词集之间关系的方式。我猜 dog 行中的指针符号只是告诉我可以为 dog 这个词找到哪些类型的关系?不是多余的吗?因为这些指针符号已经在我们看到的每个 synset_offsets 中了。当我们查看 data.noun 中的每个 synset_offset 时,我们可以看到那些指针符号,那么为什么它们在 index.noun 文件中是必需的?

另外,看到我根本没有使用 lexicographers 文件。我知道在data.noun中,特别是在字段lex_filenum中,我可以知道dog的数据结构在哪里,但是这个结构是什么[=119] =]?如您所见,我可以找到上位词和许多其他关系,只需查看 indexdata 文件,我没有使用任何所谓的 lexicographer 文件

是的,Wordnet 文档很难读...


During WordNet development synsets are organized into forty-five lexicographer files based on syntactic category and logical groupings

这些分组是 hyper-hyponym 层次结构 ontology 的某种平行集群(平面分组)。



文件格式 [WordNet-3.0/dict/ 中的词典编纂者文件]

Each line in lexnames contains 3 tab separated fields, and is terminated with a newline character. The first field is the two digit decimal integer file number. (The first file in the list is numbered 00 .) The second field is the name of the lexicographer file that is represented by that number, and the third field is an integer that indicates the syntactic category of the synsets contained in the file. This is simply a shortcut for programs and scripts, since the syntactic category is also part of the lexicographer file's name.


It's just a standard of how you should assign the values for the 2nd column in the files, e.g. data.nouns, data.verbs, etc.

Traditionally, Wordnet creators/maintainers should name their files accordingly but sometimes, it's easier to just put all nouns together and use the index of denote the synset's category.


File Number Name    Contents
00  adj.all all adjective clusters
01  adj.pert    relational adjectives (pertainyms)
02  adv.all all adverbs
03  noun.Tops   unique beginner for nouns
04  noun.act    nouns denoting acts or actions
05  noun.animal nouns denoting animals
06  noun.artifact   nouns denoting man-made objects
07  noun.attribute  nouns denoting attributes of people and objects
08  noun.body   nouns denoting body parts
09  noun.cognition  nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents
10  noun.communication  nouns denoting communicative processes and contents
11  noun.event  nouns denoting natural events
12  noun.feeling    nouns denoting feelings and emotions
13  noun.food   nouns denoting foods and drinks
14  noun.group  nouns denoting groupings of people or objects
15  noun.location   nouns denoting spatial position
16  noun.motive nouns denoting goals
17  noun.object nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)
18  noun.person nouns denoting people
19  noun.phenomenon nouns denoting natural phenomena
20  noun.plant  nouns denoting plants
21  noun.possession nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession
22  noun.process    nouns denoting natural processes
23  noun.quantity   nouns denoting quantities and units of measure
24  noun.relation   nouns denoting relations between people or things or ideas
25  noun.shape  nouns denoting two and three dimensional shapes
26  noun.state  nouns denoting stable states of affairs
27  noun.substance  nouns denoting substances
28  noun.time   nouns denoting time and temporal relations
29  verb.body   verbs of grooming, dressing and bodily care
30  verb.change verbs of size, temperature change, intensifying, etc.
31  verb.cognition  verbs of thinking, judging, analyzing, doubting
32  verb.communication  verbs of telling, asking, ordering, singing
33  verb.competition    verbs of fighting, athletic activities
34  verb.consumption    verbs of eating and drinking
35  verb.contact    verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging
36  verb.creation   verbs of sewing, baking, painting, performing
37  verb.emotion    verbs of feeling
38  verb.motion verbs of walking, flying, swimming
39  verb.perception verbs of seeing, hearing, feeling
40  verb.possession verbs of buying, selling, owning
41  verb.social verbs of political and social activities and events
42  verb.stative    verbs of being, having, spatial relations
43  verb.weather    verbs of raining, snowing, thawing, thundering
44  adj.ppl participial adjectives

因此,例如在 WordNet-3.0/dict/data.noun 中,我们看到行:

00034213 03 n 01 phenomenon 0 008 @ 00029677 n 0000 ~ 11408559 n 0000 ~ 11408733 n 0000 ~ 11408914 n 0000 ~ 11410625 n 0000 ~ 11418138 n 0000 ~ 11418460 n 0000 ~ 11529295 n 0000 | any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning  
00034479 04 n 01 thing 0 001 @ 00037396 n 0000 | an action; "how could you do such a thing?"  

查看第 2 列,phenomenon 的值为 03,指向 noun.Tops


恕我直言,根据用途,这些分配可能没有用。它们主要用于创建 wordnet 以及我们如何轻松地将本体层次结构扁平化为简单的扁平集群。

此信息中有用的是它们之间存在的关系,以及(有时)信息的类型。每个人都使用 Wordnet!有些甚至 link 将其转为 RDF 表示法。但... 几年前我使用过 Wordnet,因为我想构建一个单词的超树,它们的超类和子类,以及 WN 中不存在的其他一些类型的关系,我不得不放弃 Wordnet 及其行话。 我需要 "the real world" 的 'less simplified' 组织。我想出了我自己的,混合了 Wiktionary、许多正则表达式、一些 YAGO、一些其他本体论,让我建立层次结构和其他关系,一些 ML。我还查看了 Roger Schank 的分类法、Roget 同义词词典以及各种识别和分类(类型学)概念的尝试,例如 Wierzbicka 的和其他的。 如果你想要一些严肃的东西,那就自己动手吧。