
Highcharts: How to plot adjacent scatter points for different box plots




在加载事件中,您可以抓住箱形图的中间并将该值设置为散点 x 坐标。

 events: {
   load: function() {
        const boxplotSeries = this.series.slice(0, 2);

        const calculateOutlierX = (category, series) => {
          const point = series.data[category];
          const shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
          const corr = (point.stem.strokeWidth() % 2) / 2;

        return series.xAxis.toValue(shapeArgs.x + (shapeArgs.width / 2) + series.group.translateX + corr);

        const adjustedOutliers = this.series.slice(2).map((series, i, ser) => {
        return series.data.map(point => [calculateOutlierX(point.x, boxplotSeries[i]), point.y]);

         this.series[2].setData(adjustedOutliers[0], false);
        this.series[3].setData(adjustedOutliers[1], true);



您需要调整散点的位置。例如,如果您想调整散点以适应左侧箱线图,请从其 x 坐标中减去 0.2。同样,为了适合正确的箱形图,添加 0.2

  data: [
    [0 - 0.2, 644],
    [4 - 0.2, 718],
    [4 - 0.2, 951],
    [4 - 0.2, 969]
}, {
  data: [
    [0 + 0.2, 644],
    [4 + 0.2, 718],
    [4 + 0.2, 951],
    [4 + 0.2, 969]



Highcharts.chart('container', {

  chart: {
    type: 'boxplot'

  series: [{
    name: 'Observations',
    data: [
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
  }, {
    data: [
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
  }, {
    name: 'Outlier',
    color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0],
    type: 'scatter',
    data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
      [0 - 0.2, 644],
      [4 - 0.2, 718],
      [4 - 0.2, 951],
      [4 - 0.2, 969]
  }, {
    name: 'Outlier 2',
    color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1],
    type: 'scatter',
    data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
      [0 + 0.2, 644],
      [4 + 0.2, 718],
      [4 + 0.2, 951],
      [4 + 0.2, 969]

<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script>

<div id="container" style="height: 400px; margin: auto; min-width: 310px; max-width: 600px"></div>