如何正确使用 DI 注入 Play 控制器的构造函数?

How do I correctly use DI to inject a Play controller's constructor?

我正在将 Play 2.3.x 应用程序迁移到 Play 2.5.x,但在使用依赖项注入时遇到了一些问题。

在 2.3 中,我有一个特性 HasRemoteActor,控制器会混入该特性以根据配置引用某个远程 actor。由于这需要应用程序的配置对象,因此现在需要将其变为 class 以便可以注入配置。这是我的尝试:

   Dummy controller that has environment and configuration manually injected.
class ConfigurationController(env: play.api.Environment,
                              conf: play.api.Configuration) extends Controller {


  Dummy controller that has environment and configuration manually injected, but 
  sets up a remote client.
class RemoteActorController(env: play.api.Environment, conf: play.api.Configuration)
  extends ConfigurationController(env, conf) {

  protected val remoteActorName = "foo"
  private val remoteActorConf = conf.underlying.getConfig(remoteActorName)
  private val system = ActorSystem("HttpServerSystem", ConfigFactory.load())

  private val tcpInfo = remoteActorConf.getConfig("akka.remote.netty.tcp")
  private val hostname = tcpInfo.getString("hostname")
  private val port = tcpInfo.getString("port")

  val path = s"akka.tcp://PubSubMember@$hostname:$port/system/receptionist"

  private val initialContacts = Set(ActorPath.fromString(path))

  protected val client = system.actorOf(

   Actual controller whose actions correspond to endpoints in `conf/routes`.
class BarController @Inject()(env: play.api.Environment,
                              conf: play.api.Configuration) extends
    RemoteActorController(env, conf) {

    // ...


然而,当我启动我的应用程序时,我发现 actor 系统总是无法找到它的端口(即使没有任何东西正在监听该端口),无论端口号如何。

play.api.UnexpectedException: Unexpected exception[ProvisionException: Unable to provision, see the following errors:

1) Error injecting constructor, org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelException: Failed to bind to: /

注入的时间似乎有问题,但我是 DI 的新手,无法调试它。

我尝试将 routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator 添加到我的 build.sbt 并在我的注入路由的关联控制器前加上 @,但仍然发现相同的运行时异常。


我不会为此使用继承。相反,我会选择这样的东西(我假设你使用的是 guice):

class RemoteActorAdapter @Inject() (env: Environment, conf: Configuration) {

  // all other initialization code
  val client: ActorRef = ???



class MyController @Inject() (remoteAdapterProvider: Provider[RemoteActorAdapter]) extends Controller {
  def index = Action {
    remoteAdapterProvider.get.client ! Hello
