对任何对象 Swift 3 的数组进行排序

sort array of anyobject Swift 3

我正在尝试对 anyobject 的数组进行排序,但无法 it.I 从 Parse 数据库中以 AnyObject 格式获取一些数据。根据以下数据,我想按 "NAME" 对这个 AnyObject 数组进行排序。下面是我的代码 -

  let sortedArray = (myArray as! [AnyObject]).sorted(by: { (dictOne, dictTwo) -> Bool in
                                                            let d1 = dictOne["NAME"]! as AnyObject; // this line gives error "Ambiguous use of subscript"
                                                            let d2 = dictTwo["NAME"]! as AnyObject; // this line gives error "Ambiguous use of subscript"

                                                            return d1 < d2

myArray 看起来像这样 -

            LINK = "www.xxx.com";
            MENU = Role;
            "MENU_ID" = 1;
            NAME = "A Name";
            SUBMENU = "XXX";
            "Training_ID" = 2;
            LINK = "www.xyz.com";
            MENU = Role;
            "MENU_ID" = 2;
            NAME = "B name";
            SUBMENU = "jhjh";
            "Training_ID" = 6;
            LINK = "www.hhh.com";
            MENU = Role;
            "MENU_ID" = 3;
            NAME = "T name";
            SUBMENU = "kasha";
            "Training_ID" = 7;
            LINK = "www.kadjk.com";
            MENU = Role;
            "MENU_ID" = 5;
            NAME = "V name";
            SUBMENU = "ksdj";
            "Training_ID" = 1;
            LINK = "www.ggg.com";
            MENU = Role;
            "MENU_ID" = 4;
            NAME = "K name";
            SUBMENU = "idiot";
            "Training_ID" = 8;
            LINK = "www.kkk.com";
            MENU = Role;
            "MENU_ID" = 6;
            NAME = "s name";
            SUBMENU = "BOM/ABOM/BSM";
            "Training_ID" = 12;


为什么要将数组转换为 [AnyObject] 而不是将数组转换为 [[String:Any]] 意味着 Array of Dictionary 并告诉编译器数组包含 Dictionary 作为对象。

if let array = myArray as? [[String:Any]] {
   let sortedArray = array.sorted(by: { [=10=]["NAME"] as! String < ["NAME"] as! String })

注意: 当你在数组的每个字典中有 NAME 键和 String 值时,我已经用下标强制包装它。

它不是 [AnyObject](I-have-no-idea 的数组),它是字典数组 [[String:Any]]。更具体地说,这解决了错误。


let sortedArray = (myArray as! [[String:Any]]).sorted(by: { (dictOne, dictTwo) -> Bool in
                                         let d1 = dictOne["NAME"]! as String
                                         let d2 = dictTwo["NAME"]! as String

                                         return d1 < d2


//function to sort requests
func sortRequests(dataToSort: [[String:Any]]) -> [[String:Any]] {
    print("i am sorting the requests...")
    var returnData = [[String:Any]]()
    returnData = dataToSort
            let created_date0 = [=10=]["date"] as? Double ?? 0.0
            let created_date1 = ["date"] as? Double ?? 0.0
            return created_date0 > created_date1
    return returnData