C# - IEnumerable<> StackOverFlowException (AVLTree)

C# - IEnumerable<> StackOverFlowException (AVLTree)

我在使用 IEnumerable<>


我正在读取 CSV 文件,我对 get/set 方法进行了排序,并且在实施 IEnumerable<> 之前测试了我的代码,并且 Autos/Locals 显示正确。

我正在尝试在 DataGridView 中显示 CSV 文件的内容

foreach (Country country in avlTree)

                      displayCountriesDataGridView.Rows.Add(country.CountryName, country.GDPGrowth, country.Inflation, country.TradeBalance, country.HDIRank, country.TradingPartners);


并使用 AVLTree 和我编写的 InsertItem 方法将此数据附加到 AVLTree



class AVLTree<T> : BSTree<T>, IEnumerable<Country> where T : IComparable


 public IEnumerator<Country> GetEnumerator()

            return this.GetEnumerator();

            throw new NotImplementedException();

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()

            return GetEnumerator();
            throw new NotImplementedException();



在 Locals 中,我得到了这个输出-

$exception {"Exception of type "System.WhosebugException' was thrown"}

我得到一个红叉和名称 this 的值 Unable to read memory

Type Variables T 的值为 System.__Canon

我在我的国家 class 实施了 IEnumerable<>,没有任何问题。




编辑 - 我的 AVLTree 的实现

   class AVLTree<T> : BSTree<T>, IEnumerable<Country> where T : IComparable

        Node<T> newRoot;

        public new void InsertItem(T item)
            insertItem(item, ref root);

        private void insertItem(T item, ref Node<T> tree)
            if (tree == null)
                tree = new Node<T>(item);

            else if (item.CompareTo(tree.Data) < 0)
                insertItem(item, ref tree.Left);
            else if (item.CompareTo(tree.Data) > 0)
                insertItem(item, ref tree.Right);

            tree.BalanceFactor = Height(ref tree.Left) - Height(ref tree.Right);

            if (tree.BalanceFactor <= -2)
                rotateLeft(ref tree);
            if (tree.BalanceFactor >= 2)
                rotateRight(ref tree);

        private void rotateRight(ref Node<T> tree)
            if (tree.Left.BalanceFactor < 0)
                rotateLeft(ref tree.Left);
            newRoot = tree.Left;
            tree.Left = newRoot.Right;
            newRoot.Right = tree;
            tree = newRoot;


        private void rotateLeft(ref Node<T> tree)
            if (tree.Right.BalanceFactor > 0)
                rotateRight(ref tree.Right);

            newRoot = tree.Right;
            tree.Right = newRoot.Left;
            newRoot.Left = tree;
            tree = newRoot;


        public IEnumerator<Country> GetEnumerator()
            // Some iterator/loop which uses "yield return" for each item


        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return GetEnumerator();


public IEnumerator<Country> GetEnumerator()
    // Some iterator/loop which uses "yield return" for each item
    foreach (var item in items)
        yield return item;

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
    return GetEnumerator();