工作流管理控制台不工作:注意到可能的 CSRF 攻击

Workflow admin console doesn't work: Possible CSRF attack noted


Alfresco Share v5.2.d (r134641-b15, Aikau, Spring Surf 5.2.d, Spring WebScripts 6.13, Freemarker 2.3.20-alfresco-patched, Rhino 1.7R4-alfresco-patched, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)

Alfresco Community v5.2.0 (r134428-b13) schema 10005

我想使用工作流管理控制台。控制台可用 link:http://....:8080/alfresco/s/admin/admin-workflowconsole



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HTTP Status 500 - Possible CSRF attack noted when comparing token in session and request parameter. Request: POST /alfresco/s/admin/admin-workflowconsole

type Exception report

message Possible CSRF attack noted when comparing token in session and request parameter. Request: POST /alfresco/s/admin/admin-workflowconsole

description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Possible CSRF attack noted when comparing token in session and request parameter. Request: POST /alfresco/s/admin/admin-workflowconsole



Axel Faust


The web-client-security-config.xml has a default configuration for the CSRFPolicy segment and can be overriden via the web-scripts-config-custom.xml file in the alfresco/extension path.

因此,我创建了文件 web-scripts-config-custom.xml,然后向其中添加缺少的规则并将其放在路径 /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/exten‌​sion:

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CSRFPolicy" replace="true">
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="cookie">{token}</param>
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="cookie">{token}</param>




      CSRF filter config to mitigate CSRF/Seasurfing/XSRF attacks

      To disable the CSRF filter override the <filter> to not contain any values, for example:
         <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CSRFPolicy" replace="true">

      @since 5.2
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CSRFPolicy">

         Force creation of a Session when the filter matches a path - this should only be used when you are
         confident the filtered part of the web application is using an authentication mechanism that will avoid
         protected pages being accessed until the user is authenticated. Otherwise this would be a route to
         a Session fixation attack.

         Properties that may be used inside the rest of the CSRFPolicy config to avoid repetition but
         also making it possible to provide different values in different environments.
         I.e. Different "Referer" & "Origin" properties for test & production etc.
         Reference a property using "{propertyName}".

         <!-- There is normally no need to override this property -->

            Override and set this property with a regexp that if you have placed Alfresco behind a proxy that
            does not rewrite the Referer header.

            Override and set this property with a regexp that if you have placed Alfresco behind a proxy that
            does not rewrite the Origin header.

        Will be used and exposed to the client side code in Admin.CSRF
        Use the Admin.CSRF.getHeader() or Admin.CSRF.getParameter() with Admin.CSRF.getToken()
        to set the token in custom 3rd party code.

      <!-- The first rule with a matching request will get its action invoked, the remaining rules will be ignored. -->

         <!-- Refresh token on each new page visit -->
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="cookie">{token}</param>
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="cookie">{token}</param>
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="cookie">{token}</param>
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="cookie">{token}</param>

            Verify multipart requests contain the token as a parameter
            and also correct referer & origin header if available
               <header name="Content-Type">multipart/.+</header>
            <action name="assertToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="parameter">{token}</param>
            <action name="assertReferer">
               <param name="referer">{referer}</param>
            <action name="assertOrigin">
               <param name="origin">{origin}</param>

            Verify that all remaining state changing requests contain a token in the header and correct referer & origin headers
            if available. We "catch" all content types since just setting it to "application/json.*" since a webscript that doesn't
            require a json request body otherwise would be successfully executed using i.e."text/plain".
            <action name="assertToken">
               <param name="session">{token}</param>
               <param name="header">{token}</param>
            <action name="assertReferer">
               <param name="referer">{referer}</param>
            <action name="assertOrigin">
               <param name="origin">{origin}</param>





      <filter-name>CSRF Token Filter</filter-name>

      <filter-name>CSRF Token Filter</filter-name>


我尝试通过以下方式禁用 CSRF 过滤器:

    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CSRFPolicy" replace="true">




我创建了 web-script-config-custom.xml 而不是 web-scripts-config-custom.xml。我错过了字母 's'


非常感谢,Axel Faust!..