Artifact Dependencies not resolving
我有一个将单个文件发布为工件的 teamcity 作业(这是我能找到的最简单的重现此问题的配置)
[13:42:27]Collecting changes in 1 VCS root (2s)
[13:42:27][Collecting changes in 1 VCS root] VCS Root details
[13:42:27][VCS Root details] "xxx" {instance id=842, parent internal id=191, parent id=XXXXX, description: "GITURL.git#refs/heads/master"}
[13:42:32]Skip checking for changes - changes are already collected
[13:42:32]Clearing temporary directory: /home/centos/buildAgent/work/buildTmp
[13:42:32]Publishing internal artifacts
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[13:42:32]Checkout directory: /home/centos/buildAgent/work/56c889e980287ca6
[13:42:32]Resolving artifact dependencies
[13:42:32][Resolving artifact dependencies] Started downloading files from <XXXX :: Build and push images, build #0.0.34 [id 256119]>
[13:42:32][Resolving artifact dependencies] Failed to resolve artifact dependency <XXXX :: Build and push images, build #0.0.34 [id 256119]>: IO exception while creating or opening temp file: No such file or directory (jetbrains.buildServer.artifacts.ResolvingFailedException)
[13:42:32]Publishing internal artifacts
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[13:42:32]Build failed to start. Artifacts will not be published for this build
[13:42:33]Build finished
我们已验证 teamcity 服务器确实具有必要的工件。
当我在配置依赖项时单击 "Check artifact dependencies" 时,它们会毫无问题地解决...
[13:46:45]: Dependency resolving started...
[13:46:45]: Downloading artifacts from: http://tcurl:8888
[13:46:45]: Downloading teamcity-deploy.sh from <XXXX :: Build and push images, build from the same chain> to teamcity-deploy.sh;
[13:46:45]: <XXXX :: Build and push images, build from the same chain> teamcity-deploy.sh => teamcity-deploy.sh
[13:46:45]: Dependency resolving finished successfully
快照依赖项,选择 "Build from the same chain",具有基于修订号的 "moment in time" 关系。所以工件需要的不仅仅是存在,它必须存在于那个版本。从构建配置页面成功解析的能力并不意味着所有依赖于快照的构建都可以。确保您处理最新修订版的一种方法是从项目页面内的构建链选项卡,这两个配置所在。展开顶部链并确保您的 运行 来自同一链。您能否在成功页面上看到来自同一链中的构建的工件,您从中遇到了问题?
这是 Teamcity 中的一个已知错误,无法自动创建临时子文件夹:https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-42473#tab=Comments
您可以将 TC 升级到 v10 RC1 或将使用的临时文件夹移动到工作目录之外的一个目录,这已被证明可以正常工作。
我有一个将单个文件发布为工件的 teamcity 作业(这是我能找到的最简单的重现此问题的配置)
[13:42:27]Collecting changes in 1 VCS root (2s)
[13:42:27][Collecting changes in 1 VCS root] VCS Root details
[13:42:27][VCS Root details] "xxx" {instance id=842, parent internal id=191, parent id=XXXXX, description: "GITURL.git#refs/heads/master"}
[13:42:32]Skip checking for changes - changes are already collected
[13:42:32]Clearing temporary directory: /home/centos/buildAgent/work/buildTmp
[13:42:32]Publishing internal artifacts
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[13:42:32]Checkout directory: /home/centos/buildAgent/work/56c889e980287ca6
[13:42:32]Resolving artifact dependencies
[13:42:32][Resolving artifact dependencies] Started downloading files from <XXXX :: Build and push images, build #0.0.34 [id 256119]>
[13:42:32][Resolving artifact dependencies] Failed to resolve artifact dependency <XXXX :: Build and push images, build #0.0.34 [id 256119]>: IO exception while creating or opening temp file: No such file or directory (jetbrains.buildServer.artifacts.ResolvingFailedException)
[13:42:32]Publishing internal artifacts
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[13:42:32][Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]
[13:42:32]Build failed to start. Artifacts will not be published for this build
[13:42:33]Build finished
我们已验证 teamcity 服务器确实具有必要的工件。
当我在配置依赖项时单击 "Check artifact dependencies" 时,它们会毫无问题地解决...
[13:46:45]: Dependency resolving started...
[13:46:45]: Downloading artifacts from: http://tcurl:8888
[13:46:45]: Downloading teamcity-deploy.sh from <XXXX :: Build and push images, build from the same chain> to teamcity-deploy.sh;
[13:46:45]: <XXXX :: Build and push images, build from the same chain> teamcity-deploy.sh => teamcity-deploy.sh
[13:46:45]: Dependency resolving finished successfully
快照依赖项,选择 "Build from the same chain",具有基于修订号的 "moment in time" 关系。所以工件需要的不仅仅是存在,它必须存在于那个版本。从构建配置页面成功解析的能力并不意味着所有依赖于快照的构建都可以。确保您处理最新修订版的一种方法是从项目页面内的构建链选项卡,这两个配置所在。展开顶部链并确保您的 运行 来自同一链。您能否在成功页面上看到来自同一链中的构建的工件,您从中遇到了问题?
这是 Teamcity 中的一个已知错误,无法自动创建临时子文件夹:https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-42473#tab=Comments
您可以将 TC 升级到 v10 RC1 或将使用的临时文件夹移动到工作目录之外的一个目录,这已被证明可以正常工作。