将内容推送到 Amazon Echo

Push content to Amazon Echo

有没有办法推送内容 and/or 让 Amazon Echo 开始对话。我尝试构建 Alexa 技能 - 但是只有在指定唤醒词后它才会被激活。

我的用例是让 Amazon Echo 通知 Amazon Echo 是否有 Nagios 警报或 CloudWatch 警报;然后继续询问发生了什么,并继续进行对话。

是否已经有 API 或解决办法?

根据我从 AWS re:Invent 2016: Tips and Tricks on Bringing Alexa to Your Products (ALX304) 演示文稿中学到的知识,Alexa 设备只会 启动 活动。它不能用作 'pushed message'.



有关其他 Alexa-related 演讲的列表,请参阅:AWS re:Invent 2016 Sessions

根据 this answer,Echo 不能 在没有用户提示的情况下说话。您必须说出唤醒词和命令,然后 Alexa 才能响应:

Currently, Echo only speaks when spoken to; a user has to use the activation word “Alexa” to prompt it to begin listening for a command or request, and then it’ll respond to said input with its own vocal response. Alexa hasn’t supported the ability to provide any kind of audio notice unprompted as a result of data it receives from a user’s connected services – the closest it comes is being able to sound an alert based on an alarm or timer.

(引自this TechCrunch article

完全不支持此用例,而且据我所知没有任何解决方法。很遗憾,您的 Echo 目前无法执行此操作。