
db instruction it is executed after call


xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
xor edx,edx
jmp short string
pop ecx 
mov bl,1
mov dl,13
mov al,4
int 0x80
dec bl
mov al,1
int 0x80
call code 
db 'hello, world!'



该字符串永远不会执行,因为您在到达该点之前发出 exit_program 系统调用。


more asm
call subroutine   ->> will branch to subroutine
        subroutine:  asm
                     more asm
                     ret   ->> executing will return to point after call.
xor eax,eax          <<-- first instruction after the ret
ret                  <<-- return to caller.

这是 code 子例程的注释版本。

pop ecx        ;get 'hello world'
mov bl,1       ;write to stdout
mov dl,13      ;length is 14
mov al,4       ;syscall write
int 0x80       ;perform the write
dec bl         ;set exit code to 0 {success}
mov al,1       ;syscall exit
int 0x80       ;exit the program
;the executing does not return here!
call code 
db 'hello, world!'


hello: db 'hello, world!'

move ecx,hello
mov edx,13
call print         //returns as normal
call exit_program  //will not return

print: mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
int 0x80

xor ebx,ebx
mov eax,1
int 0x80


  • 指令较少;
  • 不匹配calls/returns
  • 不会导致速度变慢
  • 它不会混淆字节寄存器
  • 简单易懂。
  • 您可以在程序的其他部分重用 printexit_program 子例程。

只是为了指出我所说的 "other way defining byte values" 的意思,你的代码的这个变体将做同样的事情,但它显示了如何通过指令定义字符串,以及如何通过 [=11= 定义指令] 指令 ... 两者都使人类更难阅读源代码,但对于汇编器而言,差异可以忽略不计,它会产生相同的二进制机器代码,并且对于 CPU 相同的机器代码是相同的机器代码,它不关心你的来源看起来如何。


代码也是以这种non-trivial方式编写的,因为它是shell-exploit有效负载的示例,其中您的程序集不仅必须执行您想要的操作,而且其生成的机器代码也必须符合额外的约束,比如它不能包含任何零(使得在使用某些漏洞注入有效负载代码期间很难将其作为 "string" 传递),它必须是 PIC(position-independent 代码),并且它不能使用任何绝对地址,也不能在执行时占据任何特定位置等。

    ; sets basic registers eax,ebx,ecx,edx to zero (ecx not needed BTW)
    xor eax,eax
    db '1', 0xDB        ; xor ebx,ebx defined by "db" for fun
    db '1', 0xC9        ; xor ecx,ecx defined by "db" for fun
    xor edx,edx
    ; short-jump forward to make later "call code" to produce
    ; negative relative offset, so zero in "call" opcode is avoided
    ; "call code" from here would need zeroes in rel32 offset encoding
    jmp short string    ; the "jmp short string" is encoded as "EB 0F"
    pop ecx             ; loads the address of string from the stack into ecx
    mov bl,1            ; ebx = 1 = STD_OUT stream, avoiding zeroes in
        ; "mov ebx,1" opcode, so instead "xor ebx,ebx mov bl,1" is used
    mov dl,13           ; edx = 13 = length of string
    mov al,4            ; eax = 4 = sys_write
    int 0x80            ; sys_write(STD_OUT, 'hello, world!', 13);
    dec bl              ; ebx = 0 = exit code "OK"
    mov al,1            ; eax = 1 = sys_exit
    int 0x80            ; sys_exit(0);
    call code           ; return address == string address -> pushed on stack
    ; also "code:" is ahead, so relative offset is negative => no zero in opcode
    ; resulting call opcode is "E8 EC FF FF FF"

    ; following bytes are NOT executed as code, they contain string data
    push 0x6f6c6c65     ; 'hello'
    sub al,0x20         ; ', '
    ja  short $+0x6f+2  ; 'wo'
    jb  short $+0x6c+2  ; 'rl'
    db 'd!'

为了编译我确实使用了 nasm -f elf *.asm; ld -m elf_i386 -s -o demo *.o(忽略警告),向后反编译并检查实际机器代码是如何形成指令的,您可以应用 objdump -M intel -d demo.

(上面的代码和 objdump 也适用于在线站点:http://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_assembly_online.php 如果你想测试一下)