[MyAttribute(Name=value)] 中的 "Name=value" 是什么
What is the "Name=value" in [MyAttribute(Name=value)]
您可以通过声明 public 实例 (non-static) 属性或字段来使用它:
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public string TestValue { get; set; }
[My(TestValue = "Hello World!")]
public class MyClass{}
所以它的工作方式几乎与对象初始化器语法相似,但使用 ()
而不是 {}
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public string TestValue { get; set; }
public MyAttribute(int arg)
[My(42, TestValue = "Hello World!")]
public class MyClass{}
C# 规范 17.2 Attribute specification:
An attribute consists of an attribute-name and an optional list of
positional and named arguments. The positional arguments (if any)
precede the named arguments. A positional argument consists of an
attribute-argument-expression; a named argument consists of a name,
followed by an equal sign, followed by an
attribute-argument-expression, which, together, are constrained by the
same rules as simple assignment. The order of named arguments is not
你有两个命名参数。什么是命名参数?同样,C# 规范 17.3.1 Compilation of an attribute:
Name must identify a non-static read-write public field or property on
T (attribute type). If T has no such field or property, then a compile-time error
很清楚,我相信。这些名称或者 non-static public 属性(最有可能)具有 getter 和 setter 或 non-static public 在 MyAttribute
中声明的字段 class:
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public bool MyOption { get; set; }
public bool OtherOption { get; set; }
如果您需要更多命名参数 - 添加另一个 non-static public read-write 属性 或 non-static public 具有您想要的名称的字段使用。
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public bool MyOption { get; set; }
public bool OtherOption { get; set; }
public int Answer { get; set; }
// public int Answer; <- another option
[MyAttribute(MyOption=true, Answer=42, OtherOption=false)]
它在创建属性实例时指定 属性。
属性可以有构造函数参数和属性 - 这个是设置一个 属性。请注意,您可以混合位置构造函数参数、命名构造函数参数和属性,如下例所示:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public class DemoAttribute : Attribute
public string Property { get; set; }
public string Ctor1 { get; set; }
public string Ctor2 { get; set; }
public string Ctor3 { get; set; }
public DemoAttribute(string ctor1,
string ctor2 = "default2",
string ctor3 = "default3")
Ctor1 = ctor1;
Ctor2 = ctor2;
Ctor3 = ctor3;
[Demo("x", ctor3: "y", Property = "z")]
public class Test
static void Main()
var attr = (DemoAttribute) typeof(Test).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DemoAttribute)).First();
Console.WriteLine($"Property: {attr.Property}");
Console.WriteLine($"Ctor1: {attr.Ctor1}");
Console.WriteLine($"Ctor2: {attr.Ctor2}");
Console.WriteLine($"Ctor3: {attr.Ctor3}");
注意命名构造函数参数的 :
和 属性 赋值的 =
Property: z
Ctor1: x
Ctor2: default2
Ctor3: y
不幸的是,在这种情况下,C# 规范同时调用命名构造函数参数和属性 "named arguments":(
这称为属性的命名参数。实际上是属性 class 的 属性。更多信息请访问 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288454(v=vs.71).aspx
您可以通过声明 public 实例 (non-static) 属性或字段来使用它:
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public string TestValue { get; set; }
[My(TestValue = "Hello World!")]
public class MyClass{}
所以它的工作方式几乎与对象初始化器语法相似,但使用 ()
而不是 {}
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public string TestValue { get; set; }
public MyAttribute(int arg)
[My(42, TestValue = "Hello World!")]
public class MyClass{}
C# 规范 17.2 Attribute specification:
An attribute consists of an attribute-name and an optional list of positional and named arguments. The positional arguments (if any) precede the named arguments. A positional argument consists of an attribute-argument-expression; a named argument consists of a name, followed by an equal sign, followed by an attribute-argument-expression, which, together, are constrained by the same rules as simple assignment. The order of named arguments is not significant.
你有两个命名参数。什么是命名参数?同样,C# 规范 17.3.1 Compilation of an attribute:
Name must identify a non-static read-write public field or property on T (attribute type). If T has no such field or property, then a compile-time error occurs.
很清楚,我相信。这些名称或者 non-static public 属性(最有可能)具有 getter 和 setter 或 non-static public 在 MyAttribute
中声明的字段 class:
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public bool MyOption { get; set; }
public bool OtherOption { get; set; }
如果您需要更多命名参数 - 添加另一个 non-static public read-write 属性 或 non-static public 具有您想要的名称的字段使用。
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public bool MyOption { get; set; }
public bool OtherOption { get; set; }
public int Answer { get; set; }
// public int Answer; <- another option
[MyAttribute(MyOption=true, Answer=42, OtherOption=false)]
它在创建属性实例时指定 属性。
属性可以有构造函数参数和属性 - 这个是设置一个 属性。请注意,您可以混合位置构造函数参数、命名构造函数参数和属性,如下例所示:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public class DemoAttribute : Attribute
public string Property { get; set; }
public string Ctor1 { get; set; }
public string Ctor2 { get; set; }
public string Ctor3 { get; set; }
public DemoAttribute(string ctor1,
string ctor2 = "default2",
string ctor3 = "default3")
Ctor1 = ctor1;
Ctor2 = ctor2;
Ctor3 = ctor3;
[Demo("x", ctor3: "y", Property = "z")]
public class Test
static void Main()
var attr = (DemoAttribute) typeof(Test).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DemoAttribute)).First();
Console.WriteLine($"Property: {attr.Property}");
Console.WriteLine($"Ctor1: {attr.Ctor1}");
Console.WriteLine($"Ctor2: {attr.Ctor2}");
Console.WriteLine($"Ctor3: {attr.Ctor3}");
注意命名构造函数参数的 :
和 属性 赋值的 =
Property: z
Ctor1: x
Ctor2: default2
Ctor3: y
不幸的是,在这种情况下,C# 规范同时调用命名构造函数参数和属性 "named arguments":(
这称为属性的命名参数。实际上是属性 class 的 属性。更多信息请访问 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288454(v=vs.71).aspx