如何计算插入排序中的比较和交换? (JAVA)

How to count comparisons and swaps in insertion sort? (JAVA)

public class Sorting
   public static int numOfComps = 0,
                     numOfSwaps = 0;

   public static void insertionSort(int[] array)
      int unsortedValue;  // The first unsorted value
      int scan;           // Used to scan the array

      // The outer loop steps the index variable through 
      // each subscript in the array, starting at 1. The portion of
      // the array containing element 0  by itself is already sorted.
      for (int index = 1; index < array.length; index++)
         // The first element outside the sorted portion is
         // array[index]. Store the value of this element
         // in unsortedValue.
         unsortedValue = array[index];

         // Start scan at the subscript of the first element
         // outside the sorted part.
         scan = index;

         // Move the first element in the still unsorted part
         // into its proper position within the sorted part.
         while (scan > 0 && array[scan-1] > unsortedValue)
            array[scan] = array[scan - 1];

                // Counts the number of values swaps
                numOfSwaps ++;

         // Insert the unsorted value in its proper position
         // within the sorted subset.
         array[scan] = unsortedValue;

         // Counts the number of values comparisons
        numOfComps ++;
        System.out.println("\n\nNumber of comps = " + numOfComps);
       System.out.println("Number of swaps = " + numOfSwaps);       

新手又来了。如何在 Java 中编写这个插入排序程序来计算比较次数和交换次数?我已经在程序中插入了比较和交换代码,但不确定它们是否在正确的位置。我已经发布了程序。谢谢你的帮助。

比较的次数就是array[scan-1] > unsortedValue执行的次数。那不是你算的。


  • while (EXPRESSION) { STATEMENTS }可以改写为while (true) { if (!(EXPRESSION)) { break; } STATEMENTS }


  • if (EXPRESSION1 || EXPRESSION2) { break; }可以改写为if (EXPRESSION1) { break; } if (EXPRESSION2) { break; }.

该算法不会交换变量对的值。但是,存在一种多变量交换形式(A⇒B,B⇒C,C⇒D,D⇒A)。发生这种情况的次数是scanindex不同时执行array[scan] = unsortedValue的次数。那不是你算的。


  • 您的代码有错误。当你达到array[scan] = unsortedValue;时,scan可以是-1。排序 2, 1.

  • 时会发生这种情况
  • 请注意,这是一个糟糕的插入排序实现。应该使用二分搜索而不是线性搜索。这会将最大比较次数从 N * N 减少到 N * log N。