CakePHP: Trouble rendering the same element twice in the same view
我正在使用 CakePHP 创建一个网站。在我的主页上,我想显示六个最新视频和六个最受欢迎的视频。我制作了一个名为 'itemList' 的元素,我传递了一个类型参数和一个包含项目的数组。
$this->element('itemList', array('type' => "video", 'items' => $latestVideos));
echo $this->fetch('itemList');
$this->element('itemList', array('type' => "video", 'items' => $popularVideos));
echo $this->fetch('itemList');
有谁知道我如何 "clear" 或 "unset" 第一个 itemList 元素,在第二次使用时以空元素开始?
/* The following parameters are set when this element is called upon:
* $type: article, video
* $items: the list with items to be displayed
echo $this->Html->script('equalColumns');
$itemCount = 0;
$mainType = $type;
$listType = null;
// If the article list is called, use wider columns css (.articleList)
if ($type == "article") {
$listType = " articleList";
<ul class="otherArticles<?php print($listType); ?>">
foreach ($items as $item) {
$duration = null;
$coverImage = null;
$coverImageOffset = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0);
/* If a list of tags is submitted, check for every item if the item is an article or a
* video
if ($mainType == "tag") {
if ($item["TagRelationship"]["article_id"] != null) {
$newItem["Article"]["id"] = $item["TagRelationship"]["article_id"];
$newItem["Article"]["slug"] = $item["Article"]["slug"];
$newItem["Article"]["title"] = $item["Article"]["title"];
$newItem["Article"]["created"] = $item["Article"]["created"];
$newItem["User"] = $item["Article"]["User"];
$newItem["Album"]["Photo"] = $item["Article"]["Album"]["Photo"];
$item = $newItem;
$type = "article";
} elseif ($item["TagRelationship"]["video_id"] != null) {
$type = "video";
// If a list with videos is supplied, format the duration
if ($type == "video") {
// Set the coverImage
$coverImage = $this->CoverImage->getYouTubeCover($item["Video"]["youtubeId"]);
// If a video lasts shorter than an hour, only show minutes/seconds
if ($item[ucfirst($type)]["duration"] < 3600) {
$duration = gmdate("i:s", $item[ucfirst($type)]["duration"]);
// Otherwise show hours as well
else {
$duration = gmdate("H:i:s", $item[ucfirst($type)]["duration"]);
} elseif ($type == "article") {
$coverImage = $this->CoverImage->getArticleCover($item["Article"]["id"], $item["Album"]["Photo"]);
$coverImageOffset = $this->CoverImage->getArticleCoverOffset($item["Article"]["id"], $item["Album"]["Photo"]);
<a href="/<?php print($type); ?>s/<?php print($item[ucfirst($type)]["id"]); ?>/<?php print($item[ucfirst($type)]["slug"]); ?>">
<p class="addedDate">Added:
print($this->Time->timeAgoInWords($item[ucfirst($type)]["created"], array(
'accuracy' => array('minute' => 'minute', 'hour' => 'hour', 'week' => 'week', 'day' => 'day', 'month' => 'month', 'year' => 'year'),
'end' => 'never')));
if ($type == "article") {
by <?php print($item["User"]["username"]); ?>
<ul class="itemDetails">
<li class="thumb" style="background-image: url(<?php print($coverImage); ?>); background-position: <?php print($coverImageOffset["x"]); ?>% <?php print($coverImageOffset["y"]); ?>%">
if ($mainType == "tag") {
<p class="label"><?php print(ucfirst($type)); ?></p>
if ($type == "video") {
<p class="duration"><?php print($duration); ?></p>
<p><?php print($item[ucfirst($type)]["title"]); ?></p>
您很可能没有取消在最后一个元素中设置的变量,它们会在整个视图中被记住。尝试在第一次调用后取消设置项目 -
$this->element('itemList', array('type' => "video", 'items' => $latestVideos));
echo $this->fetch('itemList');
经过更多研究后,我在 CakePHP Cookbook 中发现了以下内容:
// Clear the previous content from the sidebar block.
$this->assign('sidebar', '');
我正在使用 CakePHP 创建一个网站。在我的主页上,我想显示六个最新视频和六个最受欢迎的视频。我制作了一个名为 'itemList' 的元素,我传递了一个类型参数和一个包含项目的数组。
$this->element('itemList', array('type' => "video", 'items' => $latestVideos));
echo $this->fetch('itemList');
$this->element('itemList', array('type' => "video", 'items' => $popularVideos));
echo $this->fetch('itemList');
有谁知道我如何 "clear" 或 "unset" 第一个 itemList 元素,在第二次使用时以空元素开始?
/* The following parameters are set when this element is called upon:
* $type: article, video
* $items: the list with items to be displayed
echo $this->Html->script('equalColumns');
$itemCount = 0;
$mainType = $type;
$listType = null;
// If the article list is called, use wider columns css (.articleList)
if ($type == "article") {
$listType = " articleList";
<ul class="otherArticles<?php print($listType); ?>">
foreach ($items as $item) {
$duration = null;
$coverImage = null;
$coverImageOffset = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0);
/* If a list of tags is submitted, check for every item if the item is an article or a
* video
if ($mainType == "tag") {
if ($item["TagRelationship"]["article_id"] != null) {
$newItem["Article"]["id"] = $item["TagRelationship"]["article_id"];
$newItem["Article"]["slug"] = $item["Article"]["slug"];
$newItem["Article"]["title"] = $item["Article"]["title"];
$newItem["Article"]["created"] = $item["Article"]["created"];
$newItem["User"] = $item["Article"]["User"];
$newItem["Album"]["Photo"] = $item["Article"]["Album"]["Photo"];
$item = $newItem;
$type = "article";
} elseif ($item["TagRelationship"]["video_id"] != null) {
$type = "video";
// If a list with videos is supplied, format the duration
if ($type == "video") {
// Set the coverImage
$coverImage = $this->CoverImage->getYouTubeCover($item["Video"]["youtubeId"]);
// If a video lasts shorter than an hour, only show minutes/seconds
if ($item[ucfirst($type)]["duration"] < 3600) {
$duration = gmdate("i:s", $item[ucfirst($type)]["duration"]);
// Otherwise show hours as well
else {
$duration = gmdate("H:i:s", $item[ucfirst($type)]["duration"]);
} elseif ($type == "article") {
$coverImage = $this->CoverImage->getArticleCover($item["Article"]["id"], $item["Album"]["Photo"]);
$coverImageOffset = $this->CoverImage->getArticleCoverOffset($item["Article"]["id"], $item["Album"]["Photo"]);
<a href="/<?php print($type); ?>s/<?php print($item[ucfirst($type)]["id"]); ?>/<?php print($item[ucfirst($type)]["slug"]); ?>">
<p class="addedDate">Added:
print($this->Time->timeAgoInWords($item[ucfirst($type)]["created"], array(
'accuracy' => array('minute' => 'minute', 'hour' => 'hour', 'week' => 'week', 'day' => 'day', 'month' => 'month', 'year' => 'year'),
'end' => 'never')));
if ($type == "article") {
by <?php print($item["User"]["username"]); ?>
<ul class="itemDetails">
<li class="thumb" style="background-image: url(<?php print($coverImage); ?>); background-position: <?php print($coverImageOffset["x"]); ?>% <?php print($coverImageOffset["y"]); ?>%">
if ($mainType == "tag") {
<p class="label"><?php print(ucfirst($type)); ?></p>
if ($type == "video") {
<p class="duration"><?php print($duration); ?></p>
<p><?php print($item[ucfirst($type)]["title"]); ?></p>
您很可能没有取消在最后一个元素中设置的变量,它们会在整个视图中被记住。尝试在第一次调用后取消设置项目 -
$this->element('itemList', array('type' => "video", 'items' => $latestVideos));
echo $this->fetch('itemList');
经过更多研究后,我在 CakePHP Cookbook 中发现了以下内容:
// Clear the previous content from the sidebar block.
$this->assign('sidebar', '');