如何在 draft.js 中创建自定义键绑定?

How to create custom key bindings in draft.js?

我按 CTRL+B => 我想将选定的文本加粗。


我们需要将两个道具传递给我们的 <Editor/>:
keyBindingFn:将 CTRL + some key 映射到某些 动作刺痛
handleKeyCommand:通过此 操作字符串 并决定如何处理它。

import React from 'react';

import {
  Editor, EditorState,
  RichUtils, getDefaultKeyBinding
} from 'draft-js';

class Problem extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { editorState: EditorState.createEmpty() };

  // this function maps keys we press to strings that represent some action (eg 'undo', or 'underline')
  // then the this.handleKeyCommand('underline') function gets called with this string.
  keyBindingFn = (event) => {
    // we press CTRL + K => return 'bbbold'
    // we use hasCommandModifier instead of checking for CTRL keyCode because different OSs have different command keys
    if (KeyBindingUtil.hasCommandModifier(event) && event.keyCode === 75) { return 'bbbold'; }
    // manages usual things, like:
    // Ctrl+Z => return 'undo'
    return getDefaultKeyBinding(event);

  // command: string returned from this.keyBidingFn(event)
  // if this function returns 'handled' string, all ends here.
  // if it return 'not-handled', handling of :command will be delegated to Editor's default handling.
  handleKeyCommand = (command) => {
    let newState;
    if (command === 'bbbold') {
      newState = RichUtils.toggleInlineStyle(this.state.editorState, 'BOLD');

    if (newState) {
      this.setState({ editorState: newState });
      return 'handled';
    return 'not-handled';

  render = () =>
      onChange={(newState) => this.setState({ editorState: newState })}

如果您想要的不是内联粗体文本 (RichUtils.toggleInlineStyle),您可以使用 RichUtils.toggleBlockTypeRichUtils.toggleCodeetc.