
How to use Apply for Function Application


  def one(a : String) : Validation[String, Int] =
    if (a == "one") {
    } else {
      Failure("Not One")

  def two(a : String) : Validation[String, Int] =
    if (a == "two") {
    } else {
      Failure("Not Two")

  def validate (a : String) = (one(a) |@| two(a)){_  + _}

根据 Scalaz 文档:

   * DSL for constructing Applicative expressions.
   * `(f1 |@| f2 |@| ... |@| fn)((v1, v2, ... vn) => ...)` is an alternative to `Apply[F].applyN(f1, f2, ..., fn)((v1, v2, ... vn) => ...)`
   * `(f1 |@| f2 |@| ... |@| fn).tupled` is an alternative to `Apply[F].applyN(f1, f2, ..., fn)(TupleN.apply _)`
   * Warning: each call to `|@|` leads to an allocation of wrapper object. For performance sensitive code, consider using
   *          [[scalaz.Apply]]`#applyN` directly.

如何将验证函数转换为使用 apply2

Validate 的类型构造函数有两个参数,但 Apply 只能由第一个类型构造函数参数化。您需要一个称为 type lambda 的特殊技巧,它允许我们柯里化类型定义:

def validate(a : String) = Apply[({type λ[Int] = Validation[String, Int]})#λ].apply2(one(a), two(a)){_  + _}