wordpress 拒绝某些 mp3 - 安全原因

wordpress rejecting some mp3 - security reason

我有别人买的wordpress安装,用来上传音视频文件。事实证明,一些 mp3 被接受,而另一些被拒绝,并显示消息:

wordpress Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.

我以前从未使用过 wordpress,我无法登录服务器查看日志内容,但我分析了 firefox 发出的请求,在这两种情况下,mimetype 都是 audio/mpeg :

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="async-upload"; filename="voice-fabio.mp3" Content-Type: audio/mpeg

同一个文件,在编辑一些标签后被拒绝。 workpress 对上传文件进行的安全检查是什么?我真的很纳闷...


UPDATE: This issue affects more than just Word documents as initially reported. This ticket can be used to track related issues with all non-image files failing to load after 4.7.1 with an error message of Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.

使用这个插件直到 WordPress 修复它:https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-real-mime-check/