使用 gcc 而不是使用 clang 在 for 循环错误中分配结构

Assignment of a struct in a for loop error with gcc and not with clang

你好,我在使用以下命令编译的 C11 程序上收到 gcc(版本 5.4.0)的警告:

$ gcc -g -Wall -std=c11 main.c -o minishell   
main.c: In function ‘process_new’:
main.c:184:10: error: assignment of read-only variable ‘s’
        s = slice_next(s, ':')) {

clang(版本 3.8.0)没有任何内容:

$ clang -g -Wall -std=c11 main.c -o minishell # Compile without warning.

我在 Ubuntu 16.04.


// The loop that generate the warning with gcc.
for (str_slice s = slice_at(paths, ':');
       s = slice_next(s, ':')) {
//       ^ Gcc complains here.
    const char *full_path = build_full_path(progname, s);
    /* I use with full_path but nothing with s after this point. */ 
    // There is no aliasing on full_path at this point.
    free((void *)full_path); .


typedef struct _str_slice {
  const char* data;
  const uint32_t len; // end - data len of slice.
//^^^^^ Source of gcc warning.
} str_slice;


uint32_t slice_len(const str_slice slice) {
  return slice.len;

const char* slice_data(const str_slice s) {
  return s.data;

str_slice slice_new(const char* data, uint32_t len) {
  return (str_slice) { data, len };

str_slice slice_at(const char* data, const char c) {
  const char* end = strchr(data, c);
  return slice_new(data, end - data);

str_slice slice_next(const str_slice s, const char c) {
  const char* data = slice_data(s) + slice_len(s) + 1; // skip c
  const char* end = strchr(data, c);
  if (end != NULL) {
    return slice_new(data, end - data);
  } else {
    return slice_new(NULL, 0);

bool slice_empty(const str_slice s) {
  return s.len == 0;

如有必要,有关 build_full_path

const char* build_full_path(const char* progname, const str_slice slice) {
  size_t len_progname = strlen(progname);
  // Save additional 2 bytes for adding '/' and '[=15=]'.
  size_t full_path_size = len_progname + slice.len + 2; 
  size_t malloc_size = sizeof(char) * full_path_size;
  char *full_path = malloc(malloc_size);

  full_path[full_path_size - 1] = '[=15=]';
  memcpy(full_path, slice.data, slice.len);
  full_path[slice.len] = '/';
  memcpy(full_path + slice.len + 1, progname, len_progname);

  return (const char *) full_path;

当用 clang 编译时,我得到了一个具有良好行为的可执行文件。 所以我做错了什么?或者我发现了一个错误?


编辑:使用 memcpy 而不是 strncpy。删除标量类型的 const。

在结构中,数据成员 len 被声明为常量数据成员。

typedef struct _str_slice {
  const char* data;
  const uint32_t len; // end - data len of slice.
} str_slice;
