使用 BLED112 的 USB HID 枚举

USB HID Enumeration with BLED112

我们正在尝试进行 USB HID 枚举以模拟 BLED 112(带有 MCU C8051)上的键盘设备:http://www.silabs.com/products/wireless/bluetooth/bluetooth-low-energy-modules/ble121lr-bluetooth-smart-long-range-module1

我们在蓝牙智能模块(最新版本:12/20/2016)中读到:"There is no support in the current BLE stack for other types of USB enumeration such as USB HID or other protocols"。

但我们找到了制作 HID 键盘的示例,但只有一种方式:计算机到 USB 加密狗。

所以我们想知道是否可以在加密狗向计算机发送键盘事件的地方进行 HID usb 枚举。



仅供参考,这是 silicon labs 技术团队给出的回复:

"Unfortunately that is not possible, the BLED112 enumerates as a USB CDC device only. It communicates with the PC using BGAPI messages which is our proprietary protocol to interface with our modules."