Java 将信息传递给构造函数

Java passing information to constructor

我这里有一个工作程序,它需要用户输入(密码)并检查条件(是否为 8 个字符,包含一个大写字母、一个小写字母和一个数字),然后将信息写入文件。

它编译并运行,但在进一步查看作业说明后,我必须使用一个对象来调用这些方法。这让我失望了。我想我会使用这样的语句: password.PasswordCheck(pwd);但我不确定这将如何与我所拥有的或放在哪里一起工作。

目前我的 toString 方法负责构建字符串以向用户显示信息,并通过调用可接受的方法来完成。



import java.util.Scanner;   

public class PasswordCheck //create the class
       private boolean isEightCharacters;  //true if has 6 characters, false if                                                                                  doesn't
       private boolean hasOneUppercase;  //true if has 1 uppercase character, false if doesn't
       private boolean hasOneLowercase;  //true if has 1 lowercase character, false if doesn't
       private boolean hasOneDigit;      //true if has 1 digit, false if doesn't
       public boolean isPasswordValid;  //true if all other conditions are true, false otherwise
       private String password;         //global variable declaring string

       //create default constructor
       public PasswordCheck(){

          isEightCharacters = false;    //default value
          hasOneUppercase = false;      //default value
          hasOneLowercase = false;      //default value
          hasOneDigit = false;          //default value
          isPasswordValid = false;      //default value


       //create constructor with string as input
       public PasswordCheck(String pwd){
          password = pwd;   //set password to the variable being passed in
          setEightCharacters();   //call the method
          setOneUppercase();      //call the method
          setOneLowercase();      //call the method
          setOneDigit();          //call the method
          setPasswordValid();     //call the method            


       //create methods to change attributes/fields above
       public void setEightCharacters(){

           if (password.length() >= 8)  //if statement to validate password length
             isEightCharacters = true;  //if passes condition test, set to true
          else  //if not 8 characters
             isEightCharacters = false;    //set boolean to false

       public void setOneUppercase(){   //method to check if password contains uppercase letter

         int i;    //declare count variable
         char ch;  //declare char variable
         boolean hasUpper = false;   //declare and initialize boolean to false

         for ( i = 0; i < password.length(); i++ ) {   //begin loop to read through string

             ch = password.charAt(i);   //sets ch to character in position of string
             if (Character.isUpperCase(ch))   //tests to see if character is uppercase
                 hasUpper = true;    //sets boolean to true


             if(hasUpper == true)    
                hasOneUppercase = true;
                hasOneUppercase = false;

       public void setOneLowercase(){   //method to check if password contains lowercase letter

         int i;    //declare count variable
         char ch;  //declare char variable
         boolean hasLower = false;   //declare and initialize boolean

         for ( i = 0; i < password.length(); i++ ) {   //begin loop

             ch = password.charAt(i);
             if (Character.isLowerCase(ch))   //tests to see if string contains lowercase letter
                 hasLower = true;


             if(hasLower == true)
                hasOneLowercase = true;
                hasOneLowercase = false;

       public void setOneDigit(){    //method to see if string contains a number

         int i;    //declares the count variable
         char ch;  //declares the char variable
         boolean hasNumber = false;     //declares and intializes the boolean variable

         for ( i = 0; i < password.length(); i++ ) {   //begin loop

             ch = password.charAt(i);
             if (Character.isDigit(ch)) //tests to see if character is a number
                 hasNumber = true;


             if(hasNumber == true)
                hasOneDigit = true;
                hasOneDigit = false;

       public void setPasswordValid(){     //method to test is all conditions are met for a valid password

          if (isEightCharacters && hasOneUppercase && hasOneLowercase && hasOneDigit == true) //if all true
             isPasswordValid = true;
             isPasswordValid = false;

       //create a method to check ok or missing, pass in one of the booleans
       public String acceptable(boolean x) {

          String var="";
            if (x == true)
             var = "OK";
             var = "Missing";

          return var;    //return statement

       //create a method to validate all conditions
       public String validate(boolean x) {

          String valid="";
             if (x == true)
                valid = "\nPassword is valid.";
                valid = "\nPassword is not valid.";

          return valid;     //return statement

       // toString creates a string with the output
       public String toString(){
          String stringToReturn="";  //declare the string to return

          stringToReturn += validate(isPasswordValid)+
          "\n\n8 characters:  "+ acceptable(isEightCharacters)+ "\n\n1 uppercase:  "+ acceptable(hasOneUppercase)
          +"\n\n1 lowercase:  "+acceptable(hasOneLowercase)+"\n\n1 digit:  "+acceptable(hasOneDigit);

          return stringToReturn;

       public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
          String filename = "passwordCheck.txt";
          String pwd;

          //Welcome message
          System.out.println("Welcome to the Password Check Program!\n");

          //Create scanner object for keyboard input
          Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

          //prompt user for the password
          System.out.println("Please enter the password to verify: ");
          pwd = keyboard.nextLine(); //stores the input

          //create object using String as password
          PasswordCheck password=new PasswordCheck(pwd);  //remember to change PasswordCheck based upon new name of class/filename

          //display the validated information
          System.out.println(password);  //uses toString() method for display

          //make sure file does not exist
          File file = new File(filename);
          if (file.exists())
             System.out.println("\nFile " + filename + " already exists. Output not written.");


          //Open the file
          PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(file);

          //Write the password to the file

          //Close the file
          System.out.println("\nOutput written to " + filename);



根据我对你问题的理解,我认为你需要使用对象的引用变量来调用其中的方法。因此,不要在构造函数中调用所有方法,而是在 main 方法中调用它们,如下所示。

更多信息: 通过不调用构造函数内的所有方法,您可以自由地在主方法中仅调用您想要调用的那些方法。例如,在任何应用程序中,您希望您的密码至少有 8 个字符长,并且不一定有数字、lowercase/uppercase 字母表,那么您可以只调用一个所需的方法。


public PasswordCheck(String pwd){
          password = pwd;   //set password to the variable being passed in         


PasswordCheck password=new PasswordCheck(pwd);
password.setEightCharacters();   //call the method
password.setOneUppercase();      //call the method
password.setOneLowercase();      //call the method
password.setOneDigit();          //call the method



  public PasswordCheck(){
      private String password;

      public PasswordCheck(String pwd){        
          password = pwd

      // Below you have all your verification methods
      public void isEightCharacters(){
         if (password.length() >= 8){
         else {

      // etc.etc.



PasswordCheck password=new PasswordCheck(pwd);   
// Call all your verification method
// etc.etc.