如何使用 Angular jQuery Validate 的 checkForm() 函数

How to use the Angular jQuery Validate's checkForm() function


I've added a JsFiddle 这样您就可以轻松排除故障,而不必自己设置环境。正如您所看到的,验证甚至在 input 元素上的 blur 事件之前就已在电子邮件字段上完成,该事件是由 $scope.Email 被更改触发的。如果您注释掉 <p> 元素上的 ng-show="!mainForm.validate()",您会发现问题不会发生。

我正在使用 Angular implementation of jQuery Validate,我需要能够在不显示错误消息的情况下检查表单是否有效。我在网上看到的标准方案是使用jQueryValidate的checkForm()函数,像这样:


但是,我使用的 Angular 包装器目前没有实现 checkForm 功能。我一直在尝试修改源代码以将其引入,但恐怕我已经不知所措了。代码很小很简单,我会把它贴在这里:

(function (angular, $) {
    angular.module('ngValidate', [])

        .directive('ngValidate', function () {
            return {
                require: 'form',
                restrict: 'A',
                scope: {
                    ngValidate: '='
                link: function (scope, element, attrs, form) {
                    var validator = element.validate(scope.ngValidate);

                    form.validate = function (options) {
                        var oldSettings = validator.settings;

                        validator.settings = $.extend(true, {}, validator.settings, options);

                        var valid = validator.form();

                        validator.settings = oldSettings; // Reset to old settings

                        return valid;

                    form.numberOfInvalids = function () {
                        return validator.numberOfInvalids();
                    //This is the part I've tried adding in.
                    //It runs, but still shows error messages when executed.
                    //form.checkForm = function() {
                    //  return validator.checkForm();

        .provider('$validator', function () {
                onsubmit: false // to prevent validating twice

            return {
                setDefaults: $.validator.setDefaults,
                addMethod: $.validator.addMethod,
                setDefaultMessages: function (messages) {
                    angular.extend($.validator.messages, messages);
                format: $.validator.format,
                $get: function () {
                    return {};
}(angular, jQuery));


<p class="alert alert-danger" ng-show="!mainForm.checkForm()">Please correct any errors above before saving.</p>

我不只使用 !mainForm.validate() 的原因是因为这会导致错误消息在元素“模糊”之前显示在元素上,这是我试图避免的。谁能帮我在这个 angular 指令中实现 checkForm() 函数?

你可以用ng-show="mainForm.Email.$invalid && mainForm.Email.$touched"<p>标签实现onblur事件

默认情况下 mainForm.Email.$touchedfalse,在模糊时它会变成 true

为了正确验证,将 <input> 标签类型更改为电子邮件



<div ng-app="PageModule" ng-controller="MainController" class="container"><br />
  <form method="post" name="mainForm" ng-submit="OnSubmit(mainForm)" >
      <input type="email" name="Email" ng-keydown="mainForm.Email.$touched=false" ng-model="Email" class="email" />
    </label><br />
    <p class="alert alert-danger" ng-show="mainForm.Email.$invalid && mainForm.Email.$touched">Please correct any errors above before saving.</p>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>


AngularJs Form Validation

More info on Angular validation

更新 2

checkForm 会return判断表单是否有效

// added checForm, also adds valid and invalid to angular
form.checkForm = function (){
    var valid =  validator.form();

    angular.forEach(validator.successList, function(value, key) {

    angular.forEach(validator.errorMap, function(value, key) {

    return valid

要隐藏由 jQuery 验证插件添加的默认消息,请将下面的代码段添加到 $.validator.setDefaults

app.config(function ($validatorProvider) {
        errorPlacement: function(error,element) { // to hide default error messages
              return true;


(function (angular, $) {
angular.module('ngValidate', [])

    .directive('ngValidate', function () {
        return {
            require: 'form',
            restrict: 'A',
            scope: {
                ngValidate: '='
            link: function (scope, element, attrs, form) {
                var validator = element.validate(scope.ngValidate);
                var formName = validator.currentForm.name;

                form.validate = function (options) {
                    var oldSettings = validator.settings;

                    validator.settings = $.extend(true, {}, validator.settings, options);

                    var valid = validator.form();

                    validator.settings = oldSettings; // Reset to old settings

                    return valid;

                form.numberOfInvalids = function () {                           
                    return validator.numberOfInvalids();

                // added checkForm
                form.checkForm = function (){
                    var valid =  validator.form();

                    angular.forEach(validator.successList, function(value, key) {

                    angular.forEach(validator.errorMap, function(value, key) {

                    return valid

    .provider('$validator', function () {
            onsubmit: false // to prevent validating twice            

        return {
            setDefaults: $.validator.setDefaults,
            addMethod: $.validator.addMethod,
            setDefaultMessages: function (messages) {
                angular.extend($.validator.messages, messages);
            format: $.validator.format,
            $get: function () {
                return {};
  }(angular, jQuery));


app.controller("MainController", function($scope) {
$scope.Email = "";
$scope.url = "";
$scope.isFormInValid = false; // to hide validation messages
$scope.OnSubmit = function(form) {
    // here you can determine
    $scope.isFormInValid = !$scope.mainForm.checkForm(); 

     return false; 


ng-show="isFormInValid && !mainForm.Email.$invalid "




您可以像这样将输入类型设置为电子邮件来实现此目的<input type=email>

Angular 将 属性 添加到表单 $valid 以便您可以在控制器中检查提交的文本是否有效。所以我们只需要在控制器中访问这个变量并反转它。 (因为我们要在无效时显示错误)

$scope.onSubmit = function() {
    // Decide here if you want to show the error message or not
    $scope.mainForm.unvalidSubmit = !$scope.mainForm.$valid

我还添加了一个在提交时使用浏览器验证的提交按钮。这样 onSubmit 函数甚至不会被调用,浏览器将显示错误。除了 angularjs,这些方法不需要任何东西。 您可以查看更新后的 JSFiddle here

确保打开控制台以查看 onSubmit 函数何时被调用以及按下按钮时发送的值。


    <form name="userForm" ng-submit="submitForm(userForm.$valid)" novalidate>
    <div class="form-group">   
    <input  type="text"  ng-class="{ 'has-error' : userForm.name.$invalid &&    !userForm.name.$pristine }" ng-model="name" name="name" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ 'regName' | translate }}" required>
  <p ng-show="userForm.name.$invalid && !userForm.name.$pristine" class="help-block">Your name is required.</p>


<div class="form-group">
  <input  type="tel" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : userForm.mob.$invalid && !userForm.mob.$pristine }" ng-model="mob" class="form-control" name="mob" ng-maxlength="11" ng-minlength="11"  ng-pattern="/^\d+$/"  placeholder="{{ 'regPhone' | translate }}" required>
       <p ng-show="userForm.mob.$invalid && !userForm.mob.$pristine" class="help-block">Enter a valid number</p>

  <div class="form-group">
  <input  type="email"  ng-model="email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ 'regEmail' | translate }}"   required>

<p ng-show="userForm.email.$invalid && !userForm.email.$pristine" class="help-block">Enter a valid email.</p>

<div class="form-group">
  <input   type="password" ng-model="pass" name="pass"  class="form-control" placeholder="{{ 'regPass' | translate }}" minlength="6" maxlength="16" required>
  <p ng-show="userForm.pass.$invalid && !userForm.pass.$pristine" class="help-block"> Too short Min:6 Max:16</p>

  <input  type="password" ng-model="repass"  class="form-control" ng-minlength="6" placeholder="{{ 'regConPass' | translate }}" ng-maxlength="16" required>
 <button class="loginbtntwo" type="submit" id="regbtn2"  ng-disabled="userForm.$dirty && userForm.$invalid" translate="signUp" ></button>

您可以使用 $touched,一旦聚焦然后模糊,这就是正确的。

 <p class="alert alert-danger" ng-show="mainForm.Email.$touched && !mainForm.validate()">Please correct any errors above before saving.</p>

您需要稍微修改 Angular 验证插件。这是 JSFiddle 中代码的工作版本。请注意更新后的插件代码以及对原始代码的一对修改。

更新后的插件代码只是将其添加到 validator.SetDefaults 参数中:

errorPlacement: function(error,element) { return true; } // to hide default error message


$scope.OnSubmit = function(form) {
if (form.$dirty) {
    if (form.validate()) {
    //form submittal code
    } else {
    $scope.FormInvalid = true;

您可以按如下方式将 checkForm() 函数添加到插件中。

    (function (angular, $) {
    angular.module('ngValidate', [])

        .directive('ngValidate', function () {
            return {
                require: 'form',
                restrict: 'A',
                scope: {
                    ngValidate: '='
                link: function (scope, element, attrs, form) {
                    var validator = element.validate(scope.ngValidate);

                    form.validate = function (options) {
                        var oldSettings = validator.settings;

                        validator.settings = $.extend(true, {}, validator.settings, options);

                        var valid = validator.form();

                        validator.settings = oldSettings; // Reset to old settings

                        return valid;

                    form.checkForm = function (options) {
                        var oldSettings = validator.settings;

                        validator.settings = $.extend(true, {}, validator.settings, options);

                        var valid = validator.checkForm();

                        validator.submitted = {};

                        validator.settings = oldSettings; // Reset to old settings

                        return valid;

                    form.numberOfInvalids = function () {
                        return validator.numberOfInvalids();

        .provider('$validator', function () {
                onsubmit: false // to prevent validating twice

            return {
                setDefaults: $.validator.setDefaults,
                addMethod: $.validator.addMethod,
                setDefaultMessages: function (messages) {
                    angular.extend($.validator.messages, messages);
                format: $.validator.format,
                $get: function () {
                    return {};
}(angular, jQuery));

请在此处找到更新的 jsFiddle https://jsfiddle.net/b2k4p3aw/

参考:Jquery Validation: Call Valid without displaying errors?