extract dots from curves
如果我能知道点的优先级,尤其是在并列部分,这将很有用。我正在使用 c++ 和 opencv。 我应该使用什么算法来解决这个问题?
OpenCV 为此 cv::approxPolyDP
void approxPolyDP(InputArray curve, OutputArray approxCurve, double epsilon, bool closed)
std::vector<cv::Point> curve;
//fill curve
std::vector<cv::Point> approximated_polyline;
cv::approxPolyDP(Mat(curve), approximated_polyline, 3, false);
关键点检测算法应该有所帮助。 This page provides a brief history and opens up a wide array of literature to read and experiment. It might also be worthwhile to refer this 对局部不变特征检测器的调查。