
odoo manufacturing transfer

我们正在使用 odoo 制造和库存模块。我们有不同的 2 个仓库和位置(例如 WH A 和 WH B)。

当我在 WH B 上制造时。

如果原料不够material可以购买。但是,如果 WHA 上有足够的产品,我想自动创建从 WHA 到 WHB 的转移请求。


很高兴能为您提供帮助。 我会让你知道如何在 V8 和 V9 中解决这个问题

odoo 版本 v9 的解决方案


To do the configuration you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Setting-> Location and Warehouse

  1. Multi-Location -> Manage several locations per warehouse

  2. Routes -> Advanced routing of products using rules

步骤 2 创建仓库

Create the 2 Ware House Named (for example WH A and WH-B) as per your requirement.

TO do so you can go to this path Inventory -> Configuration -> Setting -> Warehouse Management -> Warehouse


TO do so you can go to this path Inventory -> Configuration -> Setting -> Warehouse Management -> Warehouse

步骤 4 创建产品

步骤 5 配置路由

To configure the routes You can go to Inventory -> Product ->(In selected or newly create product) Inventory -> Routs -> select the appropriate route


You can also go to the Purchases -> Product ->(In selected or new created product) Inventory -> Routs -> select the appropriate route

步骤 5 为采购定义新的重新排序规则

TO do so you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Routes -> Select your route/ create new

步骤 6 定义推送规则/定义路由

TO do so you can go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Routes -> Select your route/ create new -> Push Rule

odoo 版本 v8 的解决方案

对于 V8

,转到此 link

